Back Again!! Help

Hello All
I have 75 -80 lbs to loose. My problem is that I do great for three weeks or so and then fall off hard. I have probably gained 25 lbs this year alone. MANY people I know are doing the gastric sleeve but I just do not want to go there. I need advice on how to keep on track and motivated. Thanks


  • kborton1122
    kborton1122 Posts: 914 Member
    edited October 2014
    That is a hard question to answer because what works for one person, may not work for another. Do you find it motivating when you see the numbers on the scale go down? In the beginning, that is what worked for me. Plus I wanted to be fit and healthy so I was determined to do it. Sure, we all fall off the wagon from time to time, but everyday is a new day. If you have a bad day, start fresh the next day and just take it one day at a time. I struggle everyday. I lost 126 lbs and then gained 30 back over the last year so I'm trying to get it back off. But I want it more than I want that donut sitting on the counter at work.

  • Smiley0514
    EBARLAGE wrote: »
    Hello All
    I have 75 -80 lbs to loose. My problem is that I do great for three weeks or so and then fall off hard. I have probably gained 25 lbs this year alone. MANY people I know are doing the gastric sleeve but I just do not want to go there. I need advice on how to keep on track and motivated. Thanks

    Hey! First, you have to start thinking positive. Post pictures on your walls,phone, just somewhere you can have a constant reminder of what your goals are. Do you have people to talk to or help encourage you?? If you are interested, I have a group on FB that is a workout accountability group. That way you have support from other people with the same goals. I've just started insanity again, thanks to having them help keep me to stick to it. Feel free to add me, or if you have a question, just ask!
  • smalleyez06
    smalleyez06 Posts: 132 Member
    I'm back again as well! I did really well previously and then I got stressed out, started eating and never recovered from my downward spiral. I have my children and a long life to spend with them to do this for. I know why I need to and that has to be stronger than that donut on the counter like kborton said.
    Last night when I completed my journal and it told me what I would weigh in 5 weeks was exciting. I remember always wanting to see that number at the end of the day and hopefully that will help keep me coming back here to log. I get busy...everyone gets busy but I also have to remember how important my health is.
    Set realistic goals and NSVs you want to accomplish. Last time I did really well I belonged to a gym and I feel like I need to belong to one to be able to loose the weight but that is not an option financially right now so C25K and 30 Day Shred here I come.
    There is no magic answer as how to stay on it. Just people constantly there for you and you remembering why this is important to you.
    Be honest with yourself as well. I just gave pop up cold turkey. I have been told to take baby steps and to just start cutting it. I have NO self control and I know this so, I will just stop and not turn back.
    Feel free to add me if you need any friends to help along the way!
  • branflakes1980
    branflakes1980 Posts: 2,516 Member
    I think the key to sucess is to not think of there being an ending point. In order to be sucessful you will have to not think of an end date or an end goal rather a life change. I know that sounds overwhelming, but set goals, small ones, big ones, short and long term. It will be rewarding to reach them, and when you start reaching them, and your body starts changing you won't want to stop. I never had alot of weight to lose but I do know that my biggest obstical was my own mind. I would find reasons not to work out each day. Oh I'm too tired, or I don't have time or I had a bad day. Now... If something comes up that I absolutely can not get my workout in that is my bad day! Haha! Positive thoughts, and knowing that it is a life long journey are the only way. Best of luck to you.