
Ok..so not Totally new, but after being off for like a few years, it's pretty much like brand new. My name is Jamie, I live in BC Canada and I'm tired of not being able to fit any of my pants (only yoga pants..and they stretch) and not even my husbands pants, I'm tired of poking my fat and complaining and feeling like *kitten* about my self. (Now, I'll admit, I'm not "fat" but I'm not where I want to be. My husband calls it 'Healthy"..he's a smart smart man, but some fat loss and toning are definitely in order)
So I'm back and this time I have realistic goals. I'm not focusing on the scale, but rather on how I FEEL and how my clothes FIT. I'm short (5'1 on a great day) so a little bit of weight shows up easily. I'm eating clean, drinking water like it's my job and cutting out sugar as much as possible (good bye double doubles...you'll be missed) as well as workouts 6-7 days a week. Now. Before some of you start on me about Rest days, I'll let you know, I have Rheumatoid Arthritis, and I would LIKE to think I can go Beast mode,but my body laughs and laughs...and then lays me up for days. So my "work outs" consists of circuit training usually about 20-30 minutes a day, (less if I can feel joints starting to yell), and I don't go full throttle. I do sweat, I do feel burn, and feel like jello, but I'm not pushing my self to the point of immobility. Cause that's dumb...
So yea. That's me. Hello!


  • msalamun
    msalamun Posts: 116 Member
    Hello! Welcome back! As i'm sure you know, those last few pounds are always the most difficult to lose. Doing circuit training or HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) is also great at shedding those last layers of unwanted weight. But as they say, "Abs are made in the kitchen." To really lose more and tone up, eating very, very clean is a must! Good luck! Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • mamashrub110
    Ohh theres no last few, I'm starting all over again! Yea like I told hubs last night, I cant expect to feel better about my self or my body if I keep putting crap in to it. :)
  • Cori_Mac
    Cori_Mac Posts: 134 Member
    Hi Jamie, it's the worst feeling to have to squeeze into pants! Please feel free to add me - I'm on the same path as you are. Losing weight would be great but I need to have my health back. Great to meet you!