
Does anyone else do this? I started in January & am hooked. Its so much fun. As its so popular though I am surprised its not in the fitness part of this app.


  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Yep I Zumba. Looooooooooooooooove it!! You can create your own listing for it under exercise/my exercise.
  • christy1117
    I haven't tried it but I really would like to try Zumba. How is it?

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • AngelaPowPowPOW
    I started three weeks ago and I LOVE IT!
  • lisamarie1227
    i heard of it and looked it up online once. i was a little intemedated (i know that's spelled wrong) by it but i do hear people talking about it alot.
  • KTalada
    KTalada Posts: 47
    I just recently took my very first Zumba class & it was so fun! I laughed at my uncoordinated self a lot, but sure worked up a sweat! It was fun & time sure flew by. I've been looking for a Zumba DVD to do at home with no luck so far. If you like to dance & move around, you will love Zumba. It certainly adds some variety to a fitness routine too! :happy:
  • oxFaithxo
    oxFaithxo Posts: 160 Member
    HAHA yes i have the DVD and did it for 20 minutes and was SWEATING and i can guarantee i was doing it all wrong but if i was sweating doing it wrong i dont wanna be right hehe
  • Superrhi
    Superrhi Posts: 84
    What is it? i've heard loads of people talking about it, but i have no clue what you actually do :/
  • pscullari
    i heard of it and looked it up online once. i was a little intemedated (i know that's spelled wrong) by it but i do hear people talking about it alot.

    Its alot of fun. I was intimidated by it at first but most of the classes I went to are all women. I started in the back and the instructors would help you out. Check out a local YMCA. Thats where I took my classes and people were of all ages and shapes. We had an excellent time.
  • suzysues
    suzysues Posts: 5 Member
    It really is fun. If you love dancing, you will be hooked! I go to a class at my local gym & its a really good work out. I tried a different morning class in a local church hall the other day & it was much slower, but ok as an extra. So it does depend on the teacher & fitness level of the rest of the class.

    I always stand at the front, so I can see the instructor & I am a show off!! lol
  • bstiver
    bstiver Posts: 57 Member
    We do it twice a week at the school I am student teaching at. I am going to buy it after graduation lol. I LOVE it!
  • WomanofWorth
    WomanofWorth Posts: 395 Member
    Yep love zumba and just bought the dvd set. Great burn and it's fun! Good bonus right there.
  • WomanofWorth
    WomanofWorth Posts: 395 Member
    I just recently took my very first Zumba class & it was so fun! I laughed at my uncoordinated self a lot, but sure worked up a sweat! It was fun & time sure flew by. I've been looking for a Zumba DVD to do at home with no luck so far. If you like to dance & move around, you will love Zumba. It certainly adds some variety to a fitness routine too! :happy:

    I got this set and it's great! It is the official set and I read the other day that there is a new DVD being filmed.

  • laurenlei
    laurenlei Posts: 96
    I love love loveeeeee it! Started it every Sunday morning at my gym about 2 months ago ... I love it so much i actually get out of bed early to go on a Sunday!!! That is how good it is! I also did 2 back to back classes last sunday so i did 2 full hours! I was actually purple when i finished but felt so good! Its just so much fun and it doesnt feel like you are working out much. My mum does it as well which just goes ot show it is for everyone!!!!

    By far my favourite work out!
  • ElizabethRN59
    ElizabethRN59 Posts: 168 Member
    LOVE Zumba!! I try to get it in 3 times a week but mostly 2 times for sure! They have the zumba DVD's myself- which you can get online at zumba.com (which i love as well for the days i can't make it to a class) or they have Zumba for Wii (which my friend has and is just as awesome - hoping to get that myself soon!) Great burn!!! You can lose anywhere from 400-1000 calories in a hour depending on how much you are working it, although i would suggest a HRM to make sure you know how many calories you are burning! I typically burn 600-700 calories in one, one hour class and in the past 4 solid weeks of going 2 times a week (minimum) i have lost 7+ pounds and dropped a pant size so far! If you enjoy dancing and that sort of high energy "fun" then i would definatley recommend trying a class! There are even videos (like 5-10 minutes long) on you tube that you can try out if you have the space at home! Good luck!!!! I hope this helps!
  • kelsue35
    kelsue35 Posts: 463 Member
    i bought it almost 3 weeks ago and i do it everyday. and I LOVE IT!!! def worth my 110 $ (afte shipping)
  • aladd2
    aladd2 Posts: 70
    I have a Zumba game for the Wii and I looove it! I'm super uncoordinated though and can't dance well haha but that doesn't stop me from tryin to bust a move!
  • mgaither
    mgaither Posts: 115
    I take a Zumba class at the gym. It's fun! Right now, I log it as "Dancing" on MFP, but definitely should rely on a HRM for the calorie burn calculation.
  • CharmingCherry
    I zumba once a week at a class at my local gym. It is really fun and it's quite a social thing for me as my friends come along with me.
  • fitbot
    fitbot Posts: 406
    im really uncoordinated.
    will i be able to do this and have it count as a workout? or will the workout just be done bc I will be laughing at myself hysterically?
  • whiskey9890
    whiskey9890 Posts: 652 Member
    for those of you who are interested there is a zumba challenge on here starting the 1st of may if you search for zumba challenge it will come up, not many takers for it yet would like to see more people involved