Back at it need help and fitpal inspiration

My name is Cortney, I am a 24 year old female who works full time and goes to school part time for her masters degree in social work. Previously I used my fitness pal and lost a total of 65 lbs! Unfortunately to say I got comfortable fell off track and have gained 25 lbs back. I went from 283 down to 217 and I am back to 250. When I began losing weight back almost 3 years ago I was a full time college student, worked part time, and took care of my mom who has cancer. My life was hectic to say the least but somehow I managed to lose the weight then and I thank it all for mfp. Recently I started working full time in a high-stress job I found myself stress eating constantly at work. I started an amazing relationship around the same time and became extremly comfortable and began horrible eating habits because unlike me he is skinny and seems to be able to eat anything he wants. Also, few weeks ago I found out my sister has some auto immune disorders, and I myself have been experience severe fatigue and migraines so I have begun my trials of testing. In the mean time last monday my docter suggested gluten free diet and adding vitamin d and greens supplement to my diet I have done so since then with modorate compliance. I am writing to whomever will read that I need friends, support, and motivation. With my fatigue I find it hard to find motivation to get to the gym. And I try my hardest not to binge eating but its been happening. I am incredibly unhappy I let my body get this bad and gain that much weight back and really am asking for help to get back on track. Any support would be appreciated.
thank you :smile:


  • Attached is a picture from now with my 25 lb gain in the last 4 months and the other is when I was 283 down to 217..I am not 250 and my goal is to get back down and ultimate goal of 185.
  • mitchfergustitus
    mitchfergustitus Posts: 28 Member
    Cortney, one thing that I found that has helped me is that I eat 5 times a day. Each of my meals are in the 250-300 calorie range. Any example would be plain 0% fat Greek yogurt (100 calories) and a piece of fruit (approximately 100 calories) and a few roasted almonds (approximately 50 calories). By eating small meals every 2-1/2 to 3 hours, I find I don't get hungry and I actually get tired of having to stop and eat but it's working for me. That plus 2 glasses of water at each meal. I also allow myself one cheat food a week. So if I want pizza, I save it up for my cheat meal day and then I have it. I enjoy it and I don't feel any guilt. The rest of the time I eat clean. I make exercising a priority and I don't skip workouts. I started off walking a mile 3 times a week and currently I'm walking 3 miles 6 times a week. I also do strength training 3 days as well. I don't eat after 7:00pm. If I feel a little hungry, I'll just drink a glass of water and that does the trick.
  • LiveLoveRunFar
    LiveLoveRunFar Posts: 176 Member
    Ahhh don't get depressed. Do a little each day and revel in what you do. Maybe vitamin B stress tabs might help? If you do just 5, then 10 minutes of movement at a time, and throughout the might make you feel better and eat less. I read that the best thing for stress is yoga, you concentrate on the hard that your mind realizes that you can get through anything.... I have not done yoga, so it's only reading.
  • Thank you for the suggestion albalegume I think I will start tryin to do yoga I have a yoga DVD and I could be doing it at home during the day to help with that. I started taking 1000 mg of B12 supplement, and vitamin D 3 1000 of that too and since taking the greens supplement I feel little better but still hungry and still trying not to stress eat but thank you I will keep that all in mind. :)