100 Healthy Days challenge

Hi everyone, I've given myself the challenge of eating only fresh, unprocessed foods and generally looking after myself over 100 days. I've been keeping a blog about my experiences and thought I'd share in case any one found any inspiration for themselves! So far (Day 43) I've lost 12lbs and 28cms! It's at http://journey-to-me-100-healthy-days.weebly.com/


  • ashoona
    ashoona Posts: 42 Member
    Well done on your progress so far! 12lbs is awesome and your blog is really inspiring - stick with it!
  • Really like the idea of a limited time challenge. The timing couldn't be better with the holidays upon us. It's only 100 days. My 3 challenges are to record all food everyday, keep carbs below 170 grams, and no processed food. (Does haagen dazs count as processed?) Just keeping carbs to 170 grams results in a lower calorie count for the day. I shoot for 45% carb, 25% protein and 30% fat. Just "100 healthy days" with each day a start at personal change of habit.
  • lyndyloolaa
    lyndyloolaa Posts: 79 Member
    Thanks both :) Ah great news curioustoo - go for it! :)