Looking for new friends to keep me motivated.

My mame is Marc. Im 420 pounds. I decided to choose this path so that I can be there for my wife and the family we plan to have. Many yeard i've tried to lose weight and failed. Now i'm gonna try to incorporate God and the support of my friends in my process.


  • ellie0213
    ellie0213 Posts: 562 Member
    Awesome Marc! Happy to lend support and prayers! You can add me if you'd like.
  • shfoster0721
    shfoster0721 Posts: 239 Member
    Marc, nice to meet you. My name is Steve. I know exactly what you mean. In January of this year my wife went with me to the doctor. I stepped on the scale and my jaw could have hit the floor. I weighed in at 341 pounds the biggest I have ever been. We decided then that it was time for a change. I, like you wanted to be around for the family that we plan on having. It's taken me since January and I am down 110 pounds. I have done it slowly with a lifestyle change and support. Feel free to add me because I have been in your shoes. I know what it feels like. I am not done losing weight but I am on the right path.

  • M2da_AC
    M2da_AC Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks everyone. I look forward to THIS weight loss journey.
  • jeep2961
    jeep2961 Posts: 32 Member
    Support is a large part of your journey, not only the high fives for a job well done, but friends to keep you accountable and get you back on track when you are having a rough day or stray from your path, which we all do occasionally, the difference is with support you are able to get right back on it !! Will send a friend request :)
  • chelleshore18
    chelleshore18 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, Marc. I am along for the ride with you. I have lost and gained and lost and gained so many times its hard to count.

    My husband and I are back on the wagon, as I have had a diabetes scare. I would love to have friends that encourage and hold me accountable. I'm with you!
  • msalamun
    msalamun Posts: 116 Member
    Welcome! And you got this! This community is great for giving support and encouragement. Don't be afraid to ask any question. Someone will always be able to help you out! Feel free to add me as a friend and I'll give motiviation and answer any questions you may have!
  • gamesandgains
    gamesandgains Posts: 640 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend and support, Marc.
  • M2da_AC
    M2da_AC Posts: 5 Member
    Once again I just wanna thank everyone for their input. "THIS" does in fact mean the last time. Here's to a second change, new life, and a great start. LET'S GET IT.
  • M2da_AC
    M2da_AC Posts: 5 Member
  • 123readytogo
    hey i'm right there with ya weigh 350 and never have I been this big before after having my son 3 yrs ago and dealing with depression after the death of my dad , it seems like I can't get my life back .. so if u wanna add me its fine I'm needing friends to up lift me and i'll do the same !!!