Fitbit - Do you love it?

I am doing some research on the fitbit. Everything that I have seen so far sounds great. Can anyone help me out in telling me their experience with it, pro's, con's, how long they've had it, what is good to know about it, etc. I am thinking about it as a Christams gift this year.


  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I had a Flex for a little over a year before the battery died (wouldn't hold a charge). It was fine, a neat gadget, but didn't tell me anything I didn't already know.
  • 111YoYo111
    111YoYo111 Posts: 213 Member
    Mine went back for a refund last week. Completely inaccurate.

    Steps: it buzzed to tell me I'd reached 10,000 steps while I was sitting on my butt reading all day.

    Active minutes: an hour in the gym gave me 4 active minutes

    Calories: vigorous walking for half an hour burned 7 calories.

    I kept it a couple of weeks then sent it back. I have a HRM on order now. We'll see how that goes. Oh, and it cost me $17 to send the damn thing back. grrrr.
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    I have the Fitbit Zip. I haven't used it in a while, but when I was using it I really liked it. I loved seeing how many steps I took each day, the total distance I moved, and it's cool that it syncs up with MFP. My only gripe is that it seemed to underestimate my TDEE - every calculator online says mine is around 2000, and I know that to be correct because when I eat 1500, I lose a pound a week. But at the end of the day my fitbit would usually say I burned 1800-1900 calories, which is too low. Couldn't find a way to fix it manually so that always bugged me. It's honestly not that much more useful than just using MFP, but it's kind of fun to use. Which can be a good motivator to stay on track.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    On a related note... make sure you understand what it does and how it does it so you have appropriate expectations for it.
  • kimowens27
    I absolutely love my Fitbit. I have had mine for about two years and it has really helped me a lot. It keeps me to motivated to stay active during the day so I can keep my steps up. I usually get up from my desk and walk around my office at least 3-4 times a day to make sure I get my steps in for the day. If I don't have my Fitbit on me then I feel naked. LOL.
  • sylviedrozz
    i have a fitbit and i agree it's inaccurate. i got the flex didn't like how it got in the way during the day, exchanged for a fitbix one which i preferred but to be honest it didn't motivate me much. i started to forget about it and thank god i remembered it while i was still within the return period. i returned it, and don't miss it. i think it's a waste of money personally and you'd be better off getting the pacer app on your iPhone.

    the sleep quality function was honestly the best bit of it. everything else was just meh.
  • toiletski
    toiletski Posts: 126 Member
    The fitbit is basically a glorified pedometer, which I think it pretty cool. If you expect it to record every workout you do accurately then you'll be disappointed. I've had my fitbit flex since February and it convinces me to park far away from the door, do a little extra walking around while I'm at work or home, because I like to compete with my friends. I especially loved knowing that while I was on vacation in London I walked about 13 miles a day, or about 30,000 steps.

    When mine stopped holding a charge I contacted customer service and they shipped me a whole new unit right away including a new wrist band in the color of my choice. They have the best customer service ever.
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    toiletski wrote: »
    When mine stopped holding a charge I contacted customer service and they shipped me a whole new unit right away including a new wrist band in the color of my choice. They have the best customer service ever.

    That's true, they have awesome customer service. Mine started wigging out (counting steps when I wasn't moving, flashing through the display screens three times as fast as normal, etc) after I'd had it for a couple of months - I contacted customer service and they replaced it right away, no questions asked.
  • MelanieRBrace
    MelanieRBrace Posts: 245 Member
    Thanks for all your feedback!
  • wickednitsch
    wickednitsch Posts: 29 Member
    I've had the One for about two years now and love it. I don't know about the calories but my step count is absolutely accurate and my device still holds a charge for about a week before needing to be plugged back in. It definitely motivates me. I find I was much more motivated after adding friends. I can see how I rank on weekly totals and we can cheer each other on (sometimes for doing great and sometimes to nudge someone into action). In fact, I've been obsessed with it today because my cousin challenged me on a "Daily Showdown" to see who can get more steps in 24 hours. I love her, but I'm also competitive so these types of features are great for me! ;)
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    Love it. I've worn it every day since I got it without fail. I adore the damn little thing. I have the One, which I prefer because I can clip it to my bra or waist or pocket and I don't have to wear it visibly. (downside is that it's easier to lose).

    customer service is fantastic. I had the Ultra, the One's predecessor, and washed it the first week I had it - dead device. They replace it for free. Then the second ultra cracked, and that time they replaced it with a One. I've been using this one for a year and a half with no problems whatsoever, except the clip...which they've also replaced for free.

    111YoYo111 wrote: »
    Calories: vigorous walking for half an hour burned 7 calories.

    If this is true, there was a problem with your device.

  • xmichaelyx
    xmichaelyx Posts: 883 Member
    edited October 2014
    I got one from work. It's horrifically inaccurate.

    I thought it might be useful, but quickly realized that it miscounts steps so often and by such large amounts that it's worse than using nothing at all.

    If you have a smart phone and/or are already semi-active, Fitbit is a waste of money.

    Edit, because it might be useful to explain why it's so inaccurate for me:
    1. If you walk a dog and switch the leash from one hand to another, only 1/2 of your steps will be counted.
    2. If you lift weights, it will think that every rep or other motion is a step, so you can take a thousand steps without leaving the room.
    3. If you go to an event where you might applaud, it will repeatedly go to sleep.
    4. It thinks that using stairs is the same as walking on a decline. It isn't.
    5. You can do all your steps for the day just by making chili. (Onion chopping: 500 steps; cutting peppers: 1000 steps; shaking water off the beans: it goes to sleep; ... )
  • rach3649
    I bought one.. I should of saved my money.
    Firstly its inaccurate - I counted the steps between point a and b and fitbit calculated it as about 20% higher than it actually was. Its bulky and plain ugly if your a woman in business attire during the day. I think IMO its a gimmick... you know if your *kitten* is sitting during the day, all day. Be honest with yourself and save the $110 for something more useful.
  • jessilee119
    jessilee119 Posts: 444 Member
    I've had the One for about two years now and love it. I don't know about the calories but my step count is absolutely accurate and my device still holds a charge for about a week before needing to be plugged back in. It definitely motivates me.


  • ker95texas
    ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
    edited October 2014
    I love my Fitbit Zip. I went 'cheap' (zip is their basic model) not only because it tells me what I wanted to know, but I can wear it discreetly - in my pocket or clipped onto my underwear. I did have to return the first faulty one, but have been happy as all heck with the replacement.

    I actually count my steps in my head regularly when I walk, and the zip pretty much agrees with my count. Keep in mind it ONLY counts steps (and how fast you take them) towards your calorie burn - any other activity has to be entered separately.

    It has kept me moving, which is a huge change from my prior lifestyle.
    Note: don't take it boat riding - it counts the waves MSN-Emoticon-180.gif
  • retread4258
    retread4258 Posts: 10 Member
    rach3649 wrote: »
    I bought one.. I should of saved my money.
    Firstly its inaccurate - I counted the steps between point a and b and fitbit calculated it as about 20% higher than it actually was. Its bulky and plain ugly if your a woman in business attire during the day. I think IMO its a gimmick... you know if your *kitten* is sitting during the day, all day. Be honest with yourself and save the $110 for something more useful.

    The FitBit uses an estimate for your stride length unless you measure it and tell it different. Since you gave a specific percentage of error, I assume it was consistent. That points to a miscalculated stride. The FitBit One can be worn on your bra and no once would know it's there.

    It sounds like you did not do your homework and get the right FitBit for you and you then did not learn how to use the one you got. No device is going to perform magic but the FitBit and other similar products have proven very useful for many many people. It has for me also.
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    edited October 2014
    Now that I'm on MFP, Map My Run, and Map My Fitness I wouldn't buy a Fitbit. I have the Flex and I find it an annoyance trying to get it to sync and it often takes several minutes of trying to get it to sync.

    For the $100 or so you can get a much cheaper pedometer and just plug your steps into MFP.
  • blueblueheart
    I have a one. Love it. Have heard about wild inaccuracies with those worn on the wrist though.

    Playing guitar, brushing your hair, etc can result in a ridiculous miscalculation of steps with them.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I have a Zip - picked it up in January. I like it and wear it daily. I feel it gives me an accurate step count and TDEE estimate, matching up with the calculations I have been using for the past couple of years.

    I got the Zip because it does what I want it to do (don't need the sleep or stairs tracking), and in the reviews seemed to be the one that was least likely to fall off or come un-clipped and get lost.

    I love the motivation it gives me to move more, and the friendly competition with friends on my list, showing who has the most weekly steps. The recent addition of challenges you can add friends to is even more motivating and pretty fun.

    Only problem I've had is the Zip seems to burn through batteries pretty quickly. It's not rechargeable, but takes a little watch battery, easy to pick up at any drugstore for a few bucks. Sometimes it tells me my battery is low, but when I sync it again it's fine, so kinda glitchy there, but I've never had it completely die on me.

    Is it a necessary tool? No, but if you like gadgets, need some extra motivation, or just like tracking your step-based exercise, it's a fun tool. Shop around during or after the holidays for good deals and sales. I picked up my Zip on eBay, brand new for about 30 bucks. I paid about the same for one for my mother-in-law at Target when they were on sale, I had a gift card from buying three bottles of shampoo or whatever, and used my Red Card for additional savings. :p
  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    I have had one for almost two years. I am surprised by all the negative responses here as I absolutely love mine and would not be without it. I have absolutely nothing negative to say about it. It is, without at doubt, my single best motivator to get me to move more. For me, it is the perfect device to get me moving. Between MFP and my fitbit, I have gone from morbidly obese and barely able to move, to a "normal" weight and averaging 18,000 to 20,000 steps per day @ 63 years old.