Need Some Friends to Help Motivate and Drop Baby Weight!!


I'm looking for some friends or a weight loss buddy to help motivate me to lose my baby weight. I have a 2.5 year old son and a 2.5 month old son and don't plan on having any more children so I'm ready to lose the weight that I have gained for good!

I'm 7lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight BUT I've actually gained 3lbs in the last month and I have gained 35lbs since getting married 6 years ago. My first goal is to get to my pre-pregnancy weight and drop those 7lbs by Christmas, and then to get back to my wedding day weight by next summer.

I'm 37 and work full time so with that and 2 young kids its hard for me to exercise more than 30 minutes a few times a week, at least right now with the baby so young and being sleep deprived. I really need to focus more on eating less calories - I eat pretty healthy foods, I just like a lot of it, and WINE!! So I definitely need someone to motivate me and hold me accountable. And I can do the same! If anyone with similar goals is interested just let me know. Thanks!


  • chocolatemama30
    chocolatemama30 Posts: 14 Member
    HI, my daughter is nine and Im still trying to drop the baby weight lol! Feel free to add me. I could do with the added support and motivation also. Trying to lose around 20lbs to begin with and then will take it from there. Need to lose weight and tone up, generally be healthier inside and out! x
  • AOdell79
    AOdell79 Posts: 94 Member
    Hi! I am 34 with two boys: a 3 yr old and a 15 month old. I am a working mom trying to take off this baby weight plus some extra! Lol. Always looking for friends with similar stories!
  • eknight8189
    Hi i just turned 36 and i have 4 children and i work full time. I been working 3rd last 2 years up untill almost 2 months ago i got on first shift. I was 105 before i got preg with my last child. After i had her i was around 134 and now im like 170. I did the calorie thing and its not working. I try to eat better. I do alot of salads and yogurt. Which is getting old. Im up at 6am and home by 5pm. By time dinner and baths are done its close to 8 and im beat. Every one is in bed by 830. Im so frustrated. Im also looking for weightloss buddies and support.
  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member
    Hi, finding people to help keep you accountable to your goals is a great thing. I'll send you a buddy request. I have a 2 year old son (who I hear is not quite asleep yet lol), so I know figuring out a fitness and nutrition plan can be really tough. I'd be happy to help you out!

    Also, if you're looking for support, encouragement, and accountability? I help to run support groups through Facebook. We have lots of people in there that are improving themselves and helping everyone else to stay accountable. We teach about proper nutrition and how to exercise. I'd be happy to chat with you about it if that is something that you're looking for.

  • MrsRyannTaylor
    MrsRyannTaylor Posts: 7 Member
    Hi everyone! I have a 16mo daughter and my husband wants more. I had a great pregnancy, but was high risk due to my size (327lbs) and was bullied into a csection. I lost the baby weight quickly (down to 275), but was all stress and ppd. Sadly, the weight came back. I'm working on my diet and food addictions. I'm also training for a 5k....but right now i can only powerwalk. Add me as a friend and we can motivate each other!
  • SuninVirgo
    SuninVirgo Posts: 255 Member
    I have a 21month old...trying to lose too. Please add me-thanks!
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    I'm in the same boat. Well sort of, my daughter is almost 7 months old, and thanks to gestational diabetes I didn't gain any weight during my pregnancy, BUT, I went into the pregnancy about 60 pounds overweight. Feel free to add me!
  • celtic_thistle
    celtic_thistle Posts: 18 Member
    I'm sorta losing baby weight! I have a 4-month-old son and I only put on 7 lb with him and I've lost all of that and then some, but I'm determined to get back down to my high school weight. Add me if you'd like! I need to lose another 20 lb or so.
  • dbv777
    dbv777 Posts: 6
    Hi everyone, thanks for the messages and adds! Right now I seem to be having a hard time just finding the time to log in and keep track of my calories because with a 9 week old and 2.5 year old and working I am lucky if I get 30 minutes to sit down and relax at the end of the day. I work from home full time, started working again when the baby was 4 weeks old :open_mouth:

    I started out at about 160lbs when I was married at age 31. I'm only 5'4" but pretty muscular and I was at a size 10 then which I was happy with. The smallest I ever remember being was in my early 20's, I was 135lbs, a size 6, but to do that I worked out hard 3 hours a day and ate VERY little (800 cal a day). Its nothing I could maintain now. 160-165lbs I managed to maintain with eating normally and working out an hour a day, most days of the week. So that is my goal by next summer.

    But working a lot of hours, being sedentary, getting older, 2 kids....blah blah blah...I'm now currently at 203lbs. I was at 196lbs before I got pregnant with the baby, so I'm 7 lbs to pre-pregnancy weight. I actually was at 200lbs but seem to have gained 3lbs in the last few weeks (also doesn't help that my hormones are currently a mess!).

    So for the next couple weeks my goal is to just log in and count calories, and try to get 30 minutes of exercise in when I can. I have T25 - I did it for a couple weeks (gained 2lbs) but this past week has been crazy with work so I just walked on the treadmill when I could.

    Anyway thanks again, hoping you guys will motivate me and help keep me accountable!
  • megginanderson
    megginanderson Posts: 276 Member
    I have 3 kids, 9, 6 and 3 and was well up over 200lbs with each one. I have been at this a few times and this last one for good. I added you guys as friends, happy to help. Im down 80 pounds since my last. Took some time, but any good healthy permanent lifestyle change is, right?
  • wordyroo
    wordyroo Posts: 98 Member
    I have an almost 3-year-old and a 6-month-old. Work full-time. I'm 35. I've lost the baby #2 weight. I'm still working on baby #1 weight. Feel free to add me. I understand not having a single minute in the day to devote to yourself.
  • kheinze79
    kheinze79 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi! I have a 12 week old and a 23 month old, I'm 35 and work full time (over 60 hours a week). I'm at 138 as of this morning, was 155 when I gave birth on July 25th and was 124 before getting pregnant the 2nd time. I was 140 when I got pregnant with my first, so actually lost all the baby weight and then some by the time I got pregnant 11 months after having my daughter. Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like! Last time after my first I lost all the weight by sticking to a strict 1,200 net cal diet for several months before increasing to 1,350 when I hit my goal. This time around I've hit a plateau so have just increased my goal to 1,450 to see if that is the problem. I'm always looking for motivational friends with similar situations too :) Good luck!
  • mrsgoof
    mrsgoof Posts: 23 Member
    I'm also trying to lose baby weight (plus a lot more that I've gained over the years!!) I have a 17 month & a 3 month old. All up, I want to lose near 30kg (Aussie here :-) ). please add me - need all the support I can get!!