Body Beast and T25 Doubles

I have both Body Beast and T25. I finished Alpha phase and went a bit in the beta. I was wondering if anyone has done T25 and Beast doubles...cardio/hiit and weight training.


  • warrenbeast
    I have done both, currently I am doing Body Beast and a few times a week I do a T25 workout, normally the speed ones. I feel that BodyBeast doesn't have enough cardio, So I like to comlpiment for cardio reasons.
    I know a lot of people will say that doing the cardio will impact negativly on the bulking/buidling portion, but I am happy with the setup.
    Just make sure you are getting enough good calories in, and look at your macronutrients, eg get more protein to maximise lean muscle building.
  • LoveandFreedom
    LoveandFreedom Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks! I was either going to do that or P90X
  • warrenbeast
    P90X might be a bit too strength oriented if you already doing body beast
  • LoveandFreedom
    LoveandFreedom Posts: 3 Member
    How are they different? Would you recommend doing T25 before P90X?