Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred

mallobeeee Posts: 16
edited September 26 in Fitness and Exercise
I have just purchased the 30 Day Shred Kit (mat and 2- 3 lb dumbbells) and the 30 Day Shred DVD. I am going to start the workout tonight. If anyone wants to join this group we can discuss and compare our results, or complain together. :)

I usually go to the gym about 5 times per week, but this quarter of college is more busy for me. I haven't decided yet if I'll use the 30DS only on the days I don't go to the gym, or along with my workouts at the gym.

Anyone is free to join at any time! I'm starting on Level 1 tonight! I'll let you know how it goes. Wish me luck!



  • I am also doing this...I started about three weeks ago and i already feel and see the results. I am on level 2 now.
  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member
    I started the 30DS on Saturday. It whooped my *kitten* on Saturday and Sunday, so I decided to take a break from it today. I am sore all over and I am loving it. I can not wait to do my thrid day of it tomorrow!
  • Caite_S
    Caite_S Posts: 42
    I'll join! I just started it tonight too! Great workout, I really liked it!
  • I have this as well and have tried it a few times. Jillian kicks my *kitten* every time. I usually put the DVD in and mute it so that I can turn my music up and follow what I can and do my own stuff to the parts that I can't follow. Works pretty well. I'm going to pick it back up tonight! Thanks for the motivation!!! :)
  • lisam724
    lisam724 Posts: 58 Member
    I just ordered mine and will be starting when I get it !
  • cindylc
    cindylc Posts: 14
    I just started tonight as well. I definitely worked up a good sweat and can feel my legs and abs burning.
  • falonjohle
    falonjohle Posts: 62 Member
    I will be starting tomorrow!! Please give me as much feed back as you can on this... the price seems great!!
  • StaceyL76
    StaceyL76 Posts: 711 Member
    I started Saturday.. D4 tomorrow, level 1. I go to the gym for extra cardio. It is intense. It does bother knee a little.. I want to do 30 days in a row.. That is my goal. ; )
  • strongwoman84
    strongwoman84 Posts: 71 Member
    I just bought this tonight as well. Do you track this as cardio?
  • WOW a lot of people have joined! ALL OF YOU FEEL FREE TO ADD ME AS A FRIEND! :) Well, I did day one yesterday, on level one. And i won't be doing it tonight because i had an intense workout at the gym today and i'm also going back for seconds tonight (playing racquetball and doing some more cardio). As far as the 30DS went yesterday - I definitely worked up quite a sweat! I didn't find the Level 1 to be too challenging yet, but I lift heavy a lot at the gym and exercise 5+ times/wk. The one part I actually did find to be difficult, was the side lunges while raising the dumbbells up to your eyes. That kicked my *kitten*! My shoulders were SO tired! I found the workout to be very refreshing and tiring, but I found myself wanting to do it again. I don't think I'll move up to Level 2 yet, since I just started it yesterday, But I think to make it more challenging on myself I'll do the Level 1- twice in a row. I usually spend about 1.5 hours at the gym each time I go doing 45 mins of heavy lifting, and 30 mins of cardio, So i'm used to pushing myself to the limit.

    @strongwoman84 - I don't enter any of my workouts into MFP. Mostly because I don't like the way that when you burn calories, it adds them back into your food. The whole point to losing weight is to burn more calories than you consume. So, I never enter it. For example: (My calorie deficit is MUCH higher than this, but this is just an example) If my caloric intake every day is 1,000 calories, and i go to the gym and burn 600 calories, If i entered it to MFP I'd actually be able to consume 1,600 calories a day; Which to me, defeats the purpose. I don't think that we should be rewarded with more food to eat because we did a hard workout. It just deletes everything we just worked so hard for. So, no I don't track the 30DS or any other workouts as Cardio, and if i do, I don't add it back to my calories. Sometimes I'll just do it to keep track of the days I worked out. :) I enter my work out's in at night right before bed so it doesn't get added back into my caloric intake goal. Hope that helps.

    @falonjohle - I'll be posting on here as much as I can for the 30DS. And yes, for $10 it's definitely worth a try! :)


    by the way- a lot of people don't agree with me on my philosophy regarding @strongwoman84's question. This is MY opinion. That is the way I think after reading plenty of articles on the subject.
  • I just started this last night. It wasnt as hard as I expected, but I definitly still worked up a sweat. Ready to take on day 2.=)
    Good luck everyone.!
  • strongwoman84
    strongwoman84 Posts: 71 Member
    I generally never eat the calories I burn either. I just like to keep track of what I do. I ended up counting it as a circuit workout since it was cardio and strenght training. I am definitely sore today... But it's a good sore.
  • Well, I didn't do the 30DS yesterday because I went to the gym and started my new lifting workout. Then later that night i went BACK to the gym to play racquetball and do some core exercises. Probably not such a good idea since my feet have been hurting me so much lately due to falling arches, and the fact that i only consumed 1,037 calories yesterday. MFP didn't like that too much, haha. But i'm going to the gym again today and will be doing Level 1 of the 30DS tomorrow night :) I'll keep you posted. I'm loving all the motivation from you guys!

    *Note: if you missed my first post. I'm doing the 30DS ONLY on days that I can't make it to the gym for my regular scheduled lifting routine.
  • Day 2 of Jillian 30DS last night. Im definitly filling it in my arms today. It hurts, but such a good feeling knowing you're doing something.:) I think Ill do some running this weekend. After 2 weeks of rain and tornadoes(so it seems) I think I'll get the stroller out for my baby girl(Tyleigh) and head to the track.!

    Mallobeeee- I read your post about your body fat %. If thats something you're not happy with, just think "just keep swimming. just keep swimming." Famous quote from Finding Nemo, but I LOVE it.! Have a great day.!
  • KayJayKing
    KayJayKing Posts: 53 Member
    @Mallobeeee. You are under a misconception about exercise and calorie counting on MyFitnessPal. Please see http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/6556-the-answers-to-the-questions

    It takes 3500 stored calories to create 1 pound of fat. Therefore, over a one week period, consuming 3500 calories less than you need to function, will result in the loss of 1 pound. MFP figures out the calories for you before you exercise.

    "Question #1:

    Should I eat all my calories?

    Yes. MFP is already figuring a deficit for you to lose weight. This deficit is based on what you need to eat based on your everyday activity, not counting exercise. In the end, it's all about "net calories" (you can view yours under reports)

    Example: you need to eat 2,000 calories to maintain your current weight (random number)
    MFP will tell you to eat 1,500 to lose one pound per week (500x7=3500=one pound loss).

    Let's say you exercise, and burn 500 additional calories.
    UH-OH, now you are at a 1,000 calorie a day deficit. You need 2,000 calories to maintian, are already restricted to 1500, so now your net calories are a 1,000 a day. This is starvation central. Your body, which is very good at keeping you alive, will store and save calories. You WILL stop losing weight. You WILL want to throw your scale out the window.

    Eat your exercise calories. At least eat most of them."

    Please click the link for more info.
  • Hi everyone! I hope you're all well. I did the 30DS again today because i didn't get a chance to go to the gym. Does anyone else find themselves wanting to do it again? Or wanting to scream at your TV when she says "just a few more!" and like 432432 squats later she's like "2 more!" i'm like wow. lol. But i did Level 1 again today. I think i'll do level 1 five times before i switch to 2. Level 1 is rather easy for me, because i work hard at the gym as it is, but i use the 30DS on my rest days to get in at least a little exercise:) I need to up the weight because the 3 lb dumbbells that came with it aren't enough for me, but i'm too poor to buy new weights haha. But i hope it's going good for you guys! i can feel it in my back and arms alot. The side lunges and dumbbell shoulder lifts KILL me!

    @JennWhit10 - Thank you for your comment about my body fat %. It made me pretty depressed and i ran my *kitten* off that night. And i love finding nemo so i'll have to remember that, thanks girl ! :)

    @KayJayKing - I got your message. I've read all of those articles before and I understand how the system works. I just don't eat my calories that I used to exercise because I don't want to. I understand why they do it, I just don't want to eat them. I feel a sense of accomplishment when i'm under my calorie goal especially if it's because i worked my *kitten* off that day :) Thanks though for the concern.
  • Jex_7
    Jex_7 Posts: 20
    Hey I was at Wal-Mart yesterday and they had abunch of add ons to the 30DS program, weights, mat, and other extras on clearance... not sure if they would be in your area but its worth a check :-) i got me a Golds Gym workout plan with bands and balance board thing there on clearance :-) havent used it yet but anywho, just thought you may wanna know :-) take care.
  • KayJayKing
    KayJayKing Posts: 53 Member
    Thanks, Mallobeeee. I did write out of concern for your health. Your work out dedication is an inspiration!:smile:
  • mallobeeee
    mallobeeee Posts: 16
    Hey guys!! how's the Shredding going? Good and injury free I hope! I am still on level 1. This will be my 5th day doing Level 1 on the 30DS. Last week I worked out every day, except Sunday. I feel as if Sunday should be a Funday, hence why I call it Sunday-Funday. I was very proud of myself :) This week on the other hand, I have a lot going on. I'm in college and live about an hour from my hometown, and tomorrow I'm staying with my best friend back at my hometown so I won't be doing any workouts tomorrow. So, to make up for it, today I jogged over to the track here at the college and did High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) on the track. I jogged a lap, ran a lap, jogged a lap, ran a lap. Then I stretched (again) and then did suicides on the Field Hockey field. For those of you who don't know what suicides are: You start on the baseline or 0 yard line of a football field, then you sprint over to the 10 yard line, then back to 0, then to 20 yard line, then back to 0, then 30 and back to 0 and so on and so forth. I did it to the 50 and back, and then repeated the whole thing again, then jogged back home.. Now i'm about to do the Level 1 shred. I find it sort of easy to do, but for some reason, i'm afraid to move to level two, haha. But after this time, i will be moving to level 2, no questions. Is anyone else on Level 2? how are you guys feeling about your progress? I won't even tell you about mine because i'll never be satisfied because i'm a perfectionist, and as i'm sure all of you know: Nobody is Perfect. But, I still haven't seemed to pound that one into my head yet. Actually, it's not the fact that i want to feel perfect, it's the fact that I will feel perfect when i'm happy with myself, and I still feel like i have A LOT of work to do before that time comes around..

    Please keep the posts and inspirational thoughts coming! We're all in this together!!

    p.s.- i find it WAY better, while doing the 30DS, to turn the video on (after you've sort of memorized it) and play your own music, because we all know how it feels to be lied to, when Jillian Michaels says "Just a few more!" and 10 reps later, she's like okay just like 10 more.. lol.. so please, jam out to your iPod while you're doing it. I promise it'll be a lot more enjoyable for you.

    p.s.s.- I'm not great at this website yet, and i don't know how to get people to read my blog. so please, do me a favor and read my first entry and comment. If anything, you'll get a good laugh because i think i'm funny. haha.


    Thanks guys! Stay Fit:)
  • sassy_2280
    sassy_2280 Posts: 66
    I'll be starting day 1 tomorrow! Excited and nervous at the same time! :indifferent:
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