Are there any groups for people who struggle with depression?

Are there any groups for people who struggle with depression / mental illness to support each other? I can't seem to find a search function for groups so thought I would ask here to see.

I am diagnosed as having bipolar disorder (type II) and I struggle so much when I am in a depressive state and was hoping to find some more support online with weight loss for this. I get sluggish and exhausted and lose motivation to do anything other than work and school (and even keeping up with that can be hard). (I do go to therapy, and am currently waiting to have my appointment to see about starting medication to help better regulate my moods.)

If anyone has any helpful advice, links, or knows of a group here on MFP please feel free to link me. And if you have a similar struggle as mine, please add me as a friend so we can support each other.


  • BunnybeeJG
    BunnybeeJG Posts: 344 Member
    missbethea wrote: »
    Are there any groups for people who struggle with depression / mental illness to support each other? I can't seem to find a search function for groups so thought I would ask here to see.

    I am diagnosed as having bipolar disorder (type II) and I struggle so much when I am in a depressive state and was hoping to find some more support online with weight loss for this. I get sluggish and exhausted and lose motivation to do anything other than work and school (and even keeping up with that can be hard). (I do go to therapy, and am currently waiting to have my appointment to see about starting medication to help better regulate my moods.)

    If anyone has any helpful advice, links, or knows of a group here on MFP please feel free to link me. And if you have a similar struggle as mine, please add me as a friend so we can support each other.
    I have personally found that pharmaceutical drugs do nothing but make my bipolar worse. I wish I had some helpful links...its so hard sometimes. Its such a dark place to be
  • amazingbabydoll
    Lithium is a good mood stabilizer. It'll help with depression usually. Anywho, you can add me. I have two disorders & one comes with more like depression & anxiety. I felt exactly how you did. As far as forums on here, I haven't found one for people struggling with mental illnesses. You may be able to add one, idk. There's an app I use to vent my problems, but there's a lot of negative posts on there. If you need to vent or need help or just someone to talk to just message me :)
  • BunnybeeJG
    BunnybeeJG Posts: 344 Member
    Me too. I know what its like. If anything you might be able to find a small support system here. I have bipolar ii. Its awful and atm I am In the midst of a very bad week. I also have panic disorder and slight agoraphobia. I get it. If you need to talk ...
  • LilMissTucknRoll
    LilMissTucknRoll Posts: 105 Member
    I don't know about bipolar, but I was diagnosed with Borderline which has some of the same traits but is very rapid cycling. Lamictal worked great for me as a mood stabilizer paired with an antidepressant. I know people talk about the side effects and the rash thing, but the doctor starts with a low dose and then slowly adds to it.

    I know it's a different diagnosis, but I hope it helps.

    P.S. I definitely get sluggish and lose motivation, know how you feel there.
  • want2behappy31
    want2behappy31 Posts: 178 Member
    I don't know about groups. I've looked myself. I have been diganosed with depression and recently stopped taking my meds.
  • jcmhe
    jcmhe Posts: 27 Member
    missbethea wrote: »
    Are there any groups for people who struggle with depression / mental illness to support each other? I can't seem to find a search function for groups so thought I would ask here to see.

    I am diagnosed as having bipolar disorder (type II) and I struggle so much when I am in a depressive state and was hoping to find some more support online with weight loss for this. I get sluggish and exhausted and lose motivation to do anything other than work and school (and even keeping up with that can be hard). (I do go to therapy, and am currently waiting to have my appointment to see about starting medication to help better regulate my moods.)

    If anyone has any helpful advice, links, or knows of a group here on MFP please feel free to link me. And if you have a similar struggle as mine, please add me as a friend so we can support each other.

    I struggle with depression. I also have manic and depressive episodes. I have suffered from bulimia since around age 12 and just turned 36. So yes mentally ill here!!!

    Just let me know what you need support with.
  • MohdFawzy86
    General anxiety and panic disorders that lead to depression here.
  • moya_bleh
    moya_bleh Posts: 1,375 Member
    Yep. Depression sufferer here. Made an attempt on my life a few weeks ago, currently seeing a therapist and been on Prozac since March 2013. A group would be great.