Caring what others think vs. doing what feels needs to be done

I had an epiphany last night which really hit home with me.

I truly feel I need to make changes in my life. Not to sound like a broken record here, but I do need to make major changes in my overall health (diet, fitness, general health) as well as other areas (career, taking more chances, working on my self-image, etc). Big overhaul. However, I feel this is the right thing for me.

There's going to be both positive and negative feedback. I can already tell. There will be people that don't like the new me. I'm sure the fact I'm taking better care of myself and letting them handle their own issues will not be well received. Focusing on improving my level of fitness and choosing better foods will also be met with some resistance I'm sure ("You are fine the way you are!").

Right now, I'm so motivated to change, and so sick and tired of being stuck in the same hamster wheel, that I really don't care what people think of me. I just can't continue to live each day like this. Have any of you just simply threw your hands up in the air and said "Screw this, I'm changing for ME, and I just don't care what anyone thinks" (even if it means close friends and family).



  • HappyGirlHeike
    HappyGirlHeike Posts: 12 Member

    Have you read Jane Burka's book about procrastination? It really helps with the negative feedback people may give you when one realizes they have their own agenda, be it jealousy, fear that you will leave, competition, or other fears. Love, be kind and compassionate to yourself and keep up the good work! Heike :D