I overate. What happens the next day?

I went to the state fair last night, and let's just say that I ate a lot of food. Well not necessarily a lot, but considering everything was fried and loaded in butter/oil and calories, I probably exceeded my limit by 5 times. So what do I do the next day? Do I eat like I normally do, and watch my calorie intake? Or do I lower it a little for this week?


  • cj_browning
    cj_browning Posts: 6 Member
    just get back into your normal healthy eating routine. You'll feel a "food hangover" and may want to eat a bit lighter, but you still need to ensure you are getting the proper nutrients.
  • jrline
    jrline Posts: 2,353 Member
    eat a normal day and try to get in more exercise to use up some of those calories

  • SuperSleepySchro
    SuperSleepySchro Posts: 13 Member
    I wouldn't dwell on it. I would go back to your calorie deficit and get a nice work out in and try to learn from the mistake and do better next time.

    I had a pretty bad weekend myself and was feeling a bit upset at myself for splurging too much and when I weighed in found I still lost, just not as much as my goal of 1.5/week, because I still hit my deficit 5 of 7 days that week.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Larger bowel movement perhaps?

    Nothing may happen, depending on how much you over ate, whether it had excess sodium, etc. You may lose less weight than anticipate, gain a little (water retention), have increased energy levels, etc.
  • markpmc
    markpmc Posts: 240 Member
    MY trip to the fair comes up in another week. Eating big! Just get back on track.
  • onefortyone
    onefortyone Posts: 531 Member
    Drink a little bit more water than you normally do - those deep fried foods can be packed with sodium, esp. if they're fried from frozen.
  • BetterKimmer
    BetterKimmer Posts: 178 Member
    We have all done that at one time or another. There is no need to starve yourself just because of it. Eat normal without overeating, but try to lower the carbs and fat choices for a day or two. Make sure the fats are better fats and the carbs more complex, such as more veggies, brown rice. Skip simple carbs like sugars, bread, pasta, potatoes.

    Life goes on, just get back to business. Then keep going!

  • lexen_crisus
    lexen_crisus Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you all! So I'll just try to drink a lot of water, and get some exercise.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Log it and move on. You may notice an increase on the scale, but it's temporary and goes away. Drink water, get some exercise and keep going like normal.
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    I track my calories on a weekly basis so when I have an overindulgence day I'll dial back on the rest of the days.