I Want to be Phat not Fat

Hello to all.

A little about me. Less than 10 years ago I was on the fast track to losing weight and doing a great job. Unfortunately two illness wrecked my life to the point I gained all the weight I worked off back and because I was bed ridden most of the time, the pounds just kept piling on. I have never been more uncomfortable with my body my whole life and I'm very used to being a big boned girl. However I was a healthy big boned girl and after becoming flat out obese, I have become determined to get it off for good. My illnesses are now under control now and I'm ready to change my life. I figured this was a good place to start.

Good luck to everyone on meeting their goals.


  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    Welcome, and best of luck. :)
  • 39plus
    39plus Posts: 22 Member
    Audessy, "phat" is very funny. Cause I know what I look like when I'm "phat." People actually give me "side-eyes" when I say my Body Crush is Serena Williams. I'm sorry but, when I used to look like that, I was something to really look at and nobody could tell me otherwise...LOL
    Good luck in your journey, and I understand your feeling uncomfortable with yourself cause I am in the same boat. But just concentrate on doing right (eating and exercise) TODAY. Stay determined and dedicated, you know you can accomplish it; you did it before.