Changes since you lost weight?

I'm looking for some motivation as I'm only 1/4 way done. What has changed since you lost your weight?


  • Lalalindaloo
    Lalalindaloo Posts: 204 Member
    1/4 of the way is 25% done so good for you! I've lost just over 40 lbs and I'm within 10 lbs of my goal (though my goal may change as I get closer). Here are the things that have changed for me:
    1. I have a TON more energy. I'm working out and eating better and I can feel it. I'm not a gym person, have never been a gym person, but I'm going almost every day and feel better for it every time.
    2. While I get a lot of the standard, "What are you doing?", "You look great!" "You've lost so much weight!" comments (and I appreciate them, even though I sometimes wonder how awful did I look before?) the comments I really appreciate are from people telling me how great my skin looks, or that I'm just glowing, because I think, yeah, glowing with HEALTH! :)
    3. Clothes. I can't afford a ton of new clothes and don't want to make any serious investment until I get to goal and decide if that's where I'm staying, but I have picked up a few things that I can work a lot of outfits from and I am LOVING being able to wear things I didn't feel comfortable in before. LOVING it. My Pinterest wardrobe board is full of outfits I want to try.
    4. This shouldn't even be here, but one major thing that has changed is that my mother (I do love her but she is a handful) is off my back. And offering to help me buy cute outfits.

    Good luck on your continued journey! As you get more into the process, it gets easier and even more rewarding.
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    • My blood pressure is lower
    • My doctor is happy (well, he's not an emotional type, but I can tell he's pleased)

    • I don't get out of breath any more at all
    • I can lift my 9 year-old daughter and carry her (she's only a few inches shorter than me!)
    • I've gone from size 16/18 petite to size 2/Extra Small petite
    • I've lost half a shoe size (who knew, right?)
    • My muscles are visible, especially my biceps when I'm working out (hard not to fall over while I'm checking them out)
    • I have a ton of excess energy, which I'm going to burn off by starting running when I've recovered from knee surgery
    • My back and shoulders don't ache as much as they used to
    • My bed is MUCH more comfortable because I don't sink so much into it

    • I'm just as happy as I was before
    • I feel I've made a serious commitment to my health, and delivered on it! That feeling of "I did it!" is absolutely fabulous
    • I'm ready to start doing a whole bunch of physical things which I NEVER EVER thought I'd do, like running, rowing, snow shoveling, lifting heavy weights and just being incredibly active
    • I have a whole new capsule wardrobe of cute clothing, which even now looks too small to me before I put it on!
    • I can wear my engagement ring again
  • goldie21047
    goldie21047 Posts: 13 Member
    I started at 200 and am down to 142 (tight size 16 to comfortable 8). The most pleasant surprise for me has been how comfortable I am now. My pants don't cut into me any more. I can breathe when tying my shoes, when painting my toenails and when curled up in a chair. I can curl up in a chair :smile: I haven't had heartburn in over a year and a half. I expected to drop clothing sizes, but never thought of the other changes that might happen. What a difference!
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    None of my rings fit. None of my old shoes fit. Different kinds of clothes fit me. More importantly, my blood pressure is normal, as are both my blood sugar and cholesterol. My skin is better, my hair is better, I'm happier, I have more energy and I'm more confident.

    I also have less desire for sweet things. I hardly take any sugar in my coffee any longer, for example.

    What's interesting is I have a lot of people in my life now that didn't know me as a larger person and are surprised to find out that I was. It's a bit of a mind warp as I've not been thin very long in the grand scheme of things.
  • cstevenson86
    cstevenson86 Posts: 158 Member
    Wow, reading all these comments really motivates me after checking out this thread. I have 104 pounds to go. Can't wait to experience all the things you all are. I feel like I'm in prison with a long sentence ahead of me. I can't wait until the day I'm free from "the old me."