Does my body just not want food?

I have gone through my food journal since I joined the site a few weeks ago.. and there are some good days and bad days, and days I missed because I literally fell right off the wagon. But my journal is empty now.. and not because I have been eating poorly and not wanting to write it down.. but literally because I haven't been eating anything. I haven't been hungry. At all for a few days now. And before people go crazy on me I am NOT trying to starve myself I KNOW it is a horrible thing to do to your body. And so the first day I wasn't hungry, I knew I had to eat still so I did... not even an hour later I was sick.. So I kept hydrated and tried eating again that night, and again.. came back up. I'm not wanting to starve.. its not healthy, and I've tried eating and clearly my body doesn't want it.. I'm at a loss of what to do. I'm having no real affects to not eating.. no dizzyness, not tired all the time.. it's strange. I have an appointment with my doctor next week for this but I was just wondering if someone here would know what the hell is wrong with me! I want to eat! Anyone have any ideas on what I can do to a) be hungry again. and b) keep the good food I am eating inside me?


  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
    edited October 2014
    You should be seeing a doctor asap. Not next week. That is not normal.
  • No. That's not your body saying it doesn't want food. That's your body misbehaving. You're not well. See if you can get to the Dr sooner.