Question about exercise DVDs


I recently bought the slimin6 programme. I also have Jillian Michaels 30 day shred and plan to use the slimin6 as a starter programme before moving onto 30 day. However, I've noticed that these DVDs contain a lot of ab work and toning exercises. I was always made to believe that if you have a bit of a belly then you shouldn't do abs or any kind of exercise that will tone the abdomen as you are just building muscle under the fat? Am I missing something or are these DVDs not really for people who still have a bit of weight to lose?



  • Chrisparadise579
    Chrisparadise579 Posts: 411 Member
    Nope ab work is fine if you still have weight to lose. The only thing is it will not lead to a 6 pack until you lose the weight, a common misunderstanding it when people only to ab work and expect a 6 pack. go ahead and get started! you got this!
  • mariamagenta
    mariamagenta Posts: 4 Member
    As you lose weight you will see much nicer abs than if you don't work on them. And building core strength has greatly improved my posture while reducing neck & back pain. So why wait?