Might be going a cruise..not good.



  • cmpilgrim
    cmpilgrim Posts: 44 Member
    Me and my fiancé went on a 5 day cruise in September, and I gained nothing and he gained 3 lbs. We went on the Carnival Fantasy. I meant to go to the gym and never got around to it. My advice is always take the stairs. We ate breakfast every morning from the grill (I'm not much of a breakfast person so I ate light), we mostly ate at the Mongolain Wok for lunch, I had a burger and fries just one day. Then for supper we always ate at the dining room (a salad, entrée and dessert). We climbed a LOT of stairs and stayed on the move. We went snuba diving as an excursion (I would definitely recommend!!!). I was kind of surprise I didn't gain anything, but I was glad!
  • Turning_Hopes_to_Habits

    Sure, but so is having to worry about dieting at all. There are starving children all over the world who would be amazed at the problems of having to choose to not overeat.
  • gamerguy123
    gamerguy123 Posts: 48 Member
    edited October 2014
    RGv2 wrote: »
    RGv2 wrote: »

    The gym on the ship I was on was not conducive to lifting.....it was only a week. I did my cardio and called it a vacation.

    How long was your vacation to gain 10-12lbs of fat? That's 35000 to 42000 calories...above maintenance..

    I made a horrible mistake of agreeing to a 7 day vacation to an all inclusive resort in Mexico with a friend. I wish I went only 2-3 days. I ate 6-8 meals day (I count this way based on the number of plates I ate per meal, plus snacks), since it's all you can eat. Plus lots of adult drinks...Never again. And maybe it was 8-10 lbs. I gained all the weight while going to the gym every day plus swimming some laps.
  • wnrobert
    wnrobert Posts: 20 Member
    Make yourself go to the gym at least once a day. Always take the stairs (the elevators will be crowded anyways).

    DO NOT TRUST THE SCALE IN THE GYM. I have never seen it get my weight accurate on any cruise I've been on. I don't know if this is done on purpose to give us a false sense of security, if it has something to do with the rocking of the ship or what, but it's wrong.
  • 50sFit
    50sFit Posts: 712 Member
    I took a cruise over the summer and ate anything I desired 3 times per day.
    After every meal, I walked the entire ship deck by deck...and there were 9 decks! Each walk took an hour or so. Also, 3 times that week I went to the ship gym and strength trained.
    At the end of 7 days, I had gained 5 pounds, and it was worth it.
    My suggestion: go...and ENJOY!
  • cakebatter07
    cakebatter07 Posts: 814 Member
    Hey I'll go on the cruise for you. You don't have to worry about a thing. :)
  • RunWinterGarden
    RunWinterGarden Posts: 428 Member
    People who really gain weight on cruises who say they are trying to be healthy use the cruise an excuse and let themselves over eat and be extra lazy. Seriously, walk everywhere, never take the elevator for less than 4 floors, do adventure excursions and have fun. Will you gain a pound or two? Maybe, but it's worth it and if you are smart you can limit the weight gain.
  • FitForL1fe
    FitForL1fe Posts: 1,872 Member
    edited October 2014
    The food on Carnival isn't the best (they have buffet-style dining, as well as room service and a restaurant or two), but they do have a gym. As others said, there's plenty of walking space, too. It's fun to walk around the outer decks and watch the waves go by! :mrgreen:
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,641 Member
    I feel so terrible for you that the your family is forcing you to do something against your will. My family is coercing mine to go with them to Disney World the week of thanksgiving, and I just cringe at the effect this will have on my four year old's diet plan...

  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I've never gained weight on a cruise. I used to lose weight because having set meal times controlled my snacking and because I was walking more and being more active. Now that I eat properly and am active all the time, I just stay the same on cruises.

    If you want to do strength training on the cruise, I recommend a TRX strap or maybe the Lifeline bands. I love those and you can do them anywhere!
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    I went on a 7 day cruise in May and didn't gain any weight. I had plenty of food and booze. The gym was fine. It had enough equipment to get in a good workout. It even had a track on the top deck. I worked out every other day and drank plenty of liquids. I think you should go and have fun. If you gain a few pounds, big deal. You will lose it when you get back home.
  • silver_arrow3
    silver_arrow3 Posts: 1,373 Member
    rml_16 wrote: »
    So my family is pressuring me to go on a cruise right before our X-mas holidays. I don't really want to take the time off work, but just as important, I know it's very easy to gain weight on a cruise. I have worked really hard and only lost a pitiful 4-5 lbs & still have a long ways to go, but that can easily all be destroyed by this trip.

    My question is how good are the gyms on these cruises? They are thinking about carnival. What are some tips to avoid gaining weight on the cruise? I know guys like myself tend to overeat when it's all you can eat.


    To be completely honest, I was not impressed with the food on my cruise. It was edible and it was available, but it wasn't that good. I don't understand the people who gushed about it.

    Anyway, aside from that, there are so many things to do on-shop and on excursions that don't include food but do include exercise. You will only gain on a cruise if you choose to overeat and not move, just like in the real world.

    Taking the time from work is another story.
    This! I went on a cruise and actually lost weight. I was eating three-course meals for dinner, but I did so much walking on shore that it didn't matter. The gym on my cruise was akin to the one at my apartment. Dumbbells, a few machines, treadmills and an elliptical or two.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    You are lucky to get this opportunity. Some do not even get holidays, let alone a cruise.
    The cruise is not your problem, your problem is learning to control yourself around food and that is something you are going to need to learn unless you plan on avoiding holidays and occasions for the rest of your life.

    As an aside, the world's largest cruise ship was in port here yesterday, Oasis Of The Seas... now that is a massive ship.
  • fatboyliz
    fatboyliz Posts: 515 Member
    I lost two pounds when I went on a two week cruise - swam most days, hit the gym (it was so cool!) walked a lot, and had fruit everyday for breakfast. Wasn't intentional, just wanted to get my money's worth (hence the gym!) there were loads of healthy options for dinner - with p&o if you book for dinner, you can choose a low fat, low salt diet.