Is it really the happiest place on earth?

Ok so I'm planning a trip to Disney with my family this June. I don't want this vacation to the happiest place on earth to end with the saddest plain ride home. Any tips on eating well and any extra exersize I can easily fit in between roller coasters.


  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    With the 20 miles of walking you'll do everyday extra exercise wont be necessary, but some of the delux hotels do have gyms.

    As far as eating goes - check out You will find their restaurants and menus listed.

    And yes it is the happiest place on earth if you could fit me in your suitcase for my words of wisdom I'd appreciate it =}

    Also check our They have alot of great info.
  • Shweedog
    Shweedog Posts: 883 Member
    Walking around the park all day should be enough. Food though is terrible there! Well, it tastes great but so very bad for you. I used to go to Disney Land every other weekend when I lived in Cali. Never been to Disney World but I hear they're very similar. Have fun!
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    skip the buns and fries, have side salads with burgers if you choose fast food. Most restaurants can accomodate your wishes if you tell them to hold back some things. You are in control pretty much. Walk faster than normal. Wake up early and go for an extra fast walk with no crowds around. DOn't let a vacation ruin your goals. Hit the hotel gym early when the family is sleeping. You wil have a much better day knowing you've hit that gym even if you had to get up early---

    We stay in a condo and save a ton of money on food by not eating all 3 meals in the parks or at a restaurant. I wouldn't have it any other way. In fact, I pack all my snacks with me too so I don't have to eat junk food at the parks. Then we either eat dinner in the condo or go outtside the park and eat---and save a ton of money---Disney world is very overpriced for nothing that spectacular. They do it because many people come there without vehicles so they don't have the option of driving outside the "world" to get food. I used to work at DisneyWorld so I know it well.
  • jojopel
    jojopel Posts: 348 Member
    You'll be doing tons of walking and when we went to Disney a few years ago, we were allowed to bring food into the parks. We bought an insulated back pack and loaded it with fruit, vegetables and other healthy snacks and water bottles.
  • shopgirl192
    shopgirl192 Posts: 102
    With the intense heat, and all of the walking around you will be doing, you won't have to worry about incorporating additional exercise. I went a few years ago, before I started my lifestyle change, and I ate ANYTHING I wanted.... chicken nuggets, ice cream, etc... and I ended up losing like 4lbs in the 5 days I was there. The heat in Orlando even now, in April is sickening, so just remember to DRINK WATER, LOTS OF IT! :)

    Have fun - and when you go to Hollywood Studios - get a Fast Pass for the Toy Story Attraction as soon as you enter the park - it's in the back and it's a long walk, but the FAST PASSES sell out by like 10am!
  • cc2r1511
    cc2r1511 Posts: 127 Member
    you will be doing a TON of walking but I would say to take some dumbbells along and do lunges, squats, or any other exercise in your hotel room before bed. Also, with eating, I would say really watch what you are eating.... stay away from sodas. Drink a TON of water. The restaurants there always have salads so that's a good option!

    It is a wonderful place and is so fun! have a great time!
  • workingitout
    workingitout Posts: 105 Member
    Last time we went to DisneyLand in CA, they had healthy options for dining. I was pleased that we could order grilled chicken and salads, and even the kids meals came with fresh fruit, etc. Not too bad!
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    With the 20 miles of walking you'll do everyday extra exercise wont be necessary, but some of the delux hotels do have gyms.

    As far as eating goes - check out You will find their restaurants and menus listed.

    And yes it is the happiest place on earth if you could fit me in your suitcase for my words of wisdom I'd appreciate it =}

    Also check our They have alot of great info. And Disney in June? You'll sweat all your calories out anyways lol Mister fans at Home Depot are your friends.
  • kthom
    kthom Posts: 175
    There is lots of walking at Disney so that helps. Keep your eating outside of the parks though. Drink water instead of calorie drinks. You will have fun and don't stress about your weight loss during your holiday, we are trying to change our lifestyle change and that includes holidays. Your hotel probably has a gym too. Have fun!
  • shenson2522
    shenson2522 Posts: 45 Member
    Every morning I would get up and walk around that lake at Coronado Springs to get my coffee from the restaurant. I believe most of the hotels have a walking trail. It's a relaxing way to start your day. Enjoy your trip.
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    same goes for fastpass at Epcot for the Soarin ride---get it first!!!

    ALso, I disagree with people telling you not to exercise, only because the last time I went I did do added exercise and the pyshcological benefit was worth it. I felt so empowered knowing I went to the gym AND walked those miles at the parks. It will help you make better choices the rest of the day too.

    Pecos Bill cafe--located in Magic Kindgom frontierland--you can get a veggie burger, toss the bun to the birds---but they have like a buffet there for your toppins (sort of like fudruckers). Great place to load up on some veggies like mushrooms, onions, fresh salsa. Just ditch the fries and get a side salad instead.
  • mt_nest
    mt_nest Posts: 37 Member
    My family and I went to Disney World at Christmas time, about 12 years ago when our daughter was 10. We took my mom along, which could have been a disaster. We all had the most amazing time. I just kept saying the whole time, "This really is the happiest place on earth". I can't say enough about how we were treated, the food, the lodging. Everything was awesome. At the time, I had just lost some weight and was maintaining. It was very easy to stay on track because of all the healthy choices in the restaurants. However, you often are faced with the decision to either have a cheap hot dog or a sit down lunch/dinner. My suggestion would be to take snacks along in your bag to have during the day, then go back to the hotel for a nice dinner. And, of course many opportunities for walking. It's exhausting. Have a great time!!!
  • dragonbug300
    dragonbug300 Posts: 760 Member
    Whenever my mother and I visited Disney, we would both lose a bit of weight. We never use the motel gyms, either.
    Just make sure to eat healthy while eating out. Most places offer salads or other nutritional food choices. Often these are the cheaper items on the menu, too.
    Resist the sugar-foods offered in the parks and hotels. Keep fruit on-hand if you need to.
    Walk every opportunity you get. Don't use those golf carts and trams within the parks to get around. Hoof it. Carry the kids if you need to.
    Keep water bottles with you at all times. It gets hot!
  • cpumeu
    cpumeu Posts: 89
    FIRST!!!! IT IS INDEED THE HAPPIEST PLACE ON HEART....however, June! YIKES! Crazy Crazy packed. Are you going early June or Late June? Let me give you some of my must dos! I am assuming you are going with kids....not that I always do....I love DISNEY! Stroller is a must....even with no kids....I suggest you get a decent size soft cooler. they come with wheel now if you don't want to take a stroller, but if you have a stroller....I hang mine over the handles and pack it shuck full of frozen grapes, frozen strawberries and veggie stick with lowfat veggie dip. the cold from all the veggies will keep the dip cold . i also freeze a few bottles of water for later in the day....water water water....You will be doing alot of walking and in june ....alot of standing still in lines that don't seem to move....So move while in line....also if you don't already know get fast passes and baby swap....if you don't know what that is ask me...or someone you know cuz it allows for more rides and more fun....Also, fast passes don't expire so althought it may say return between this time and this can use it any time in the day...FYI....and if your a coffee drinker..keep your coffee receipt because you can refill all day for free.

    MOst important thing is don't eat the fried stuff...stay away from thier crazy wonderful sourdough bread...and share meals...
    have a wonderful time....looking forward to our next visit!!! We we jsut there over thanksgiving and loved it as usual!
  • cpumeu
    cpumeu Posts: 89
    On Heart...but also in my heart! LOL!
  • WhyW8
    WhyW8 Posts: 54 Member
    A lot of places in California have calorie counts on their menus now. Not sure if Disneyland will or not. A resistance band is a great tool - lightweight and easy to pack. Check out some fitness magazine websites for workouts you can print to take with you and do in the hotel room. You WILL be walking alot and may not have time (or energy) for anything else, and if you don't you shouldn't beat yourelf up over it because the walking alone is insane. Wear comfy shoes. Your hotel will prob. have a pool, so you can utilize that and may even have a gym if you can fit all that in. Make sure to stay hydrated too. Oh yeah, and HAVE FUN!
  • JPod279
    JPod279 Posts: 722 Member
    I went to Disney World a few years back. It was great. Check into the meal plans. You do have places that you can get fruit and healthier food in the morning (cereal, yogurt, etc...). You may want to take some bananas or canned fruit to snack on. I think even having beef jerkey would be a better snack than some of what they have. However, I would say don't completely deprive yourself. They have some fabulous restaurants. You will do a lot of walking and standing in lines which is better than setting all day. When I go back I want to hit the Brown Derby again. It was awesome! It is modled after the one in LA. My wife fell in love with their Cobb Salad.
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    Also the food courts at the hotels do have fruits, oatmeal, healthier choices. you will be fine.
  • Gennawest
    Gennawest Posts: 171
    I live right down the street from disneyland and a tip that I have (although no excer related) is to look for, and buy your tickets on line. There are companies around there that buy tickets in bulk and therefore sell them to the public for less than half of the price you will pay at the gate. All that you have to do it pick up the tickets in the morning. My friend told me she got a parker hopper ticket for 50.00. pretty cheap in comparison.
  • lipt8611
    lipt8611 Posts: 60 Member
    i went this past summer about a month before my half-marathon and used to go for a run around our resort while my fiance was in the shower. i also brought snacks into the park (dried fruit, fiber one bars, "healthier" snacks- always a better choice than the popcorn and turkey legs!) I also brought my camelbak pouch and carried that in my backpack to ensure i drank enough water. indulge a little, don't deprive yourself- you're on vacation! but make smart choices and eat when you're hungry.