I am 5'2 and weigh 133 pounds, is that healthy?

I dont feel like I look good for my weight and height! I workout every single day, and have been eating a whole lot healthier than I did in high school but everything still seems to be adding it self to my stomach area and it makes me feel pudgy and terrible. Any advice? Or any ways for me to feel better about myself and stay confident while i start to lose weight?


  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    What are your workouts like? Maybe you could do some strength training, sit ups, push ups, things like that to change your body composition a bit.

    Be kind to yourself :)
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    whether you're healthy at 133 pounds depends on you. are your blood pressure and blood sugar normal? your BMI, which is often a useless measurement, is 24.3, so you're at the higher end of a healthy weight for your height but not overweight, if you believe in BMI.

    i'm 5' 3 1/2", and when i weighed 135 to 140, i was probably the healthiest i've been in my life due to exercise, food choices, getting enough rest, etc.

    there's a lot more to being a happy person than by judging yourself by your appearance, and there's a lot more to being healthy than what you weigh.
  • Upekkha20
    Upekkha20 Posts: 4 Member
    "Healthy" is a bit of an ambiguous term. Determining your health solely by your weight is far from ideal. I would say the best source of your health would be a doctor. Similarly, saying you are eating "healthier" is also a misnomer. Too high of a quantity of nutritional food can still cause weight gain, even if you are improving the quantity of your food intake.

    However, ignoring the semantics of your question-- I would say happiness is a very large part of being healthy! Probably first on my list!

    If you are unhappy with yourself then don't be afraid to make changes. Accept and enjoy the challenge. Most importantly, celebrate your victories (no matter how big or small!)
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    I don't feel like I look good for my weight and height!
    ... Any advice? Or any ways for me to feel better about myself and stay confident while I start to lose weight?
    Going by BMI, 105 - 130 is a healthy weight range, so you're almost there. 3 lb is normal monthly fluctuation for many women.
    - http://www.shapeup.org/bmi/bmi6.pdf

    If you don't like the way you feel / look, you could start working on weightlifting to tone muscles (lose inches), combined with eating fewer calories to lose a little weight, and high protein % to maintain muscle while you do it.

    Aiming to lose about 5-10 lb will be slow going. Even 1 lb a month would be a victory.
    Cardio is the best way to burn calories.

    Understand that muscle weighs more than fat (for the same volume) while taking less space (for the same weight), so even if you lose 1 lb of fat & build 1 lb of muscle, seeing no change on the scale, you'll be losing inches - your clothes will fit better and you'll look awesome.

  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    blazepurr wrote: »
    Well 133 is my goal weight and I'm 5"8
    That's way at the lower end of a healthy range.
  • I weighed 142 lbs (I'm also 5'2"), and I did not feel good at all :(. I'm now down to 114 (started my journey back in May). I can say I feel so much better and don't feel sluggish and uncomfortable. It all depends on how you feel physically and mentally, also a big factor to consider is your from size.
  • *frame
  • mrsmcmo
    mrsmcmo Posts: 109 Member
    edited October 2014
    Don't become discouraged! I am also 5'2, and started my journey with MFP on July 28, weighing 130lbs. I felt bad about myself at that weight, so I just decided to stick to my guns and count every single calorie. Since then I have lost 16lbs. I have simply stuck to my daily calories most days (with the exception of a "cheat" day every 10 days or so). For the first month or so, I didn't even exercise (more than I usually do - I am a stay at home mom, so definitely on my feet a lot of the day) and I lost a good amount for my size. After that, I started doing cardio (running/jogging) but only a few times a week. I am 2lbs away from my goal weight, and I feel much better.
    You can do it, just make sure to weigh/measure everything that goes into your mouth and you will see results if you stick to your calorie allowance!
  • Lorleee
    Lorleee Posts: 369 Member
    I am 5'2" and 130 is the weight where I look and feel almost TOO tiny! It all depends on your frame. I'm more curvy and any less than the early 130s I feel like I'm getting too small. If you feel good and are happy at 130, maintain that and don't worry about losing more. I'd focus instead on getting stronger through strength training and maintaining healthy eating habits. If you're unhappy, then keep losing, but really that height and weight looks different on different people.
  • NoelFigart1
    NoelFigart1 Posts: 1,276 Member
    edited October 2014
    Depends on whether or not "healthy" is a code for "Looks good to a certain subset of men" or not.

    I was a martial artist in my teens having come from a ballet background. I'd gained a bit of weight, and couldn't make the weight my ballet teacher wanted me to without developing an eating disorder, so I switched activities.

    But, after a awhile, I caved in to some pressure from my father to try to take off a few pounds, and I started losing in tournaments. My sensei finally pointed out that no matter what the charts said, about 145 (I'm ~5'2") seemed to be my optimum fighting weight. So I needed to decide if a smaller dress size or martial arts trophies were the important thing to me. That it was okay either way but I that I needed to make a rational decision and stick to it.
  • wkwebby
    wkwebby Posts: 807 Member
    I dont feel like I look good for my weight and height! I workout every single day, and have been eating a whole lot healthier than I did in high school but everything still seems to be adding it self to my stomach area and it makes me feel pudgy and terrible. Any advice? Or any ways for me to feel better about myself and stay confident while i start to lose weight?

    If you concentrate on just staying at a maintenance of calories or only slightly under to be on the conservative side (so still calorie conscious), but focus on weight training to gain some muscle, your body composition will be changed where you lose inches. Your weight is fine, your body composition is what you're unhappy with, so I'd not go to an extreme with cardio exercises. Also, you wouldn't be able to gain muscle with a drastic deficit.

    Losing inches is what you sound like you want, not necessarily to lose weight. If you stay calorie conscious and eat a good amount of protein while weight training, you'll see the inches go with a possible slight improvement on the scale over time.