Elliptical turmoil

so last month i made the change over from stationary bike to elliptical since well, you burn more more on the elliptical. things have been going great, in september i lost 17 lbs (4th most ive lost all time in a month). and i get into a good groove, unlike the bike where i had to step cause the seat was uncomfortable.

last week or so my right hip has been giving me issues and its got me worried, what can i do to stretch it out, ill look for any alternative then to cut my workout short.

im on the elliptical for 60 mins straight non stop, ill go about 5.2- 5.6 miles, and then ill weight lift do other excerises, then 20 mins later ill comeback and do 15 more mins on the elliptical and leave.


    FRiNADA Posts: 67
    Are you stretching before and after your elliptical training? My hips started aching when I did a lot of running without a good stretch before and after. Give them a rest for a while and see if it goes away on its own. Stretch your legs for 10 minutes a day until they feel better.
  • JVClubs
    JVClubs Posts: 139 Member
    hmm, ill try that, i never tried stretching before unless im lifting weights
  • debubbie
    debubbie Posts: 767 Member
    Since I started hitting the elliptical and jogging outside more I have noticed that I am having more pain in my hip and the back of my legs always feels super tight! I get regular chiropractic adjustments and massages to alleviate the pain in my hip and legs. I also try to stretch my legs during the elliptical workout and after to prevent my legs from tightening up.
  • LeonCX
    LeonCX Posts: 862 Member
    edited October 2014
    Elliptical Turmoil...sounds like the name of Ozzy Osbourne's next album.
  • crashj
    crashj Posts: 21 Member
    edited October 2014
    Be careful with over stretching before you get on the elliptical. I damaged both my knee and hip doing something similar. The best thing you can do is start out very slow for 8-10 minutes (don't listen to music until you are warmed up.)

    If your knee is still bothering you after using the elliptical, you will need spend more time and rest it, especially if you are using the elliptical aggressively. Also, read up on torn ACL so you can spot the symptoms early and know when to stop.