New- no more excuses!

I am an avid horse back rider, I go to the barn every day, and then....I go home, sit on the couch, get out the back of chips and turn on the television. This has been the routine for a while now! On top of that, I am a double major with a minor...and a stress eater.

Today was a break through for the barn, I met the new trainer. I found out that when she was really focused on her riding, she rode seventeen horses a day! It made me remember the time when I was really focused on my riding; before college. I never rode less than three horses a day, I volunteered at animal shelters, maintained a job either in the animal industry or food industry, and I added extra workouts three times a week (ie. running or biking). My poor dogs have not been on a walk in, well, close to a year!

Where did this lead me? Well....I came home today and took a long look in the mirror, which was extremely difficult to do, to tell the truth! Did you know, I can barely see the numbers on the scale now without having to hold my breath and suck my stomach in? I haven't been clothes shopping in years....why?...because I know that all the clothes won't fit. After all, my clothes don't fit right at all! I even realized that my physical appearance was lacking, to say the least...but, that is because I simply don't feel the need to try anymore. I mean when you have no confidence, what is the point in make up and hair straightening? Here is the point!

I miss who I was, I miss how I looked, and I miss my previous lifestyle. But missing, wishing, and hoping does not do Today, I am happy to say....I found myself again. It took emotional and painful critiques to realize that I have no one to blame but myself, and no one stopping me but myself. So, honestly, I am happy to say today begins change! Tomorrow is a new day, a new me, and a new beginning.

It is here that I state my goal: I will not only loose weight to gain confidence and be healthier, but I will work back up to my previous lifestyle....and I will finally get my dogs back out for their walks!

Thanks for reading this far, haha!


  • ndrberry725
    this is so inspiring for me. add me and we can be friends, I am starting my new life tomorrow as well so we can keep each other motivated. I feel the same way you do. i can't wait to start feeling happier and healthier.