I'm really down today. Need pep talk and encouragement.

Quick stats: Been on MFP since Feb 1, goal weight is165, current weight is 221. (all time low is 216.5)

I am on week 3 of a plateau. I guess you'd call it a plateau when you dance with the same 5 lbs for 3 weeks - up 2, down 3, up 3, down 2.... I am approaching my monthly weigh-in and its looking like I will only bank a 5 lb loss this month, which is very discouraging to me since I have so much more to lose.

I don't know what is going on with me, but I feel like instead of feeling 32 lbs lighter, I feel 53 lbs overweight. (I have lost 32 lbs, but have 53 more to go.) I feel like I've gotten ahead of myself and gotten cocky or something and now my loss has slowed to a creep and I feel like I can't wait anymore. Whats the alternative? To go back to what I was doing before, feeling miserable, eating and drinking whatever I want? NO thanks... but, I feel very stagnant and bored with this "diet" thing (I know its not a "diet" but a lifelong change) Its so scary to be at the 30 lb loss for me because that is the time where I ALWAYS start to gain it back - every time - I don't want that to happen this time. One thing that is different this time is being here on MFP - I've never had a support network like this before - you guys have pulled me out of so many dark times where in the past, I would have given up. I want to keep it up this time, but I am so very anxious and I feel some magnetic pull that is pulling me back down to the bottom of the pool, just when I thought I had my head above water.

I think the biggest thing thats bothering me is that I was down to 216.5 last week, and now somehow have found my way back into the 220's (221 all week) and it HURTS me so much to be back up into another decade - I was so excited to be in the teens. But I can't seem to STAY in the teens - the 220's keep finding me!

So anyways - I just had to whine. I feel better now that I got this off my chest - I don't even have the heart to update my ticker because if I did, it would say I've only lost 27 lbs, and 32 lbs lost sounds SO much better.

I HATE my scale - but, if I get away from it for too many days, then I start sliding and slacking off with my eating. Its a knife that cuts both ways.


  • Irishwench
    When you started did you take measurements? I know when I stall I go and check my measurements and usually they are lower then the last time i check them. And I try to check them once a month. Just because you aren't loosing weight doesn't mean you aren't loosing those inches. Even those 5 lbs will help tone you up some. So maybe you can check your measurements or if you haven't take them and see. And feel free to add me if you like.
  • brendansmom1
    brendansmom1 Posts: 530 Member
    First of all....HOLY MOLY! You have done a great job since February! I started the last week of October and only lost 2 pounds more than you!

    We all know we did not put this weight on overnight...so it is not going to come off that way either. I look at each day as a challenge....how can I push myself today, even just a bit? What new healthy food can I try....whatever. I look for little ways to keep me motivated. MINI goals....5 or 10 pound losses...celebrate them! The average HEALTHY loss is 1-2 pounds a week, and you are there.....

    KEEP IT UP. Feel free to add me if you would like...I can always use more friends for motivation and support!!!
  • funkythreads2004
    funkythreads2004 Posts: 51 Member
    Yeah check your measurements, this is only my second week, but i did lose 7lb in the first week but was so disappointed i didnt lose on the inch's. I know that losing the pounds is important, but i also know that the pounds of fat turn to pounds of muscle, so if you measure yourself, you may see how well you have turned fat to muscle and lost inches. I did read an article that said when you plateau, its because your body is adjusting to the change from fat to muscle so dont let it get you down. Roll on more inch loss & a leaner meaner body. You have already done really well ;-)
  • Calead910
    That is a lot of weight to have lost regardless if you are dancing with 5 lbs. You should feel proud but remember your journey isn't over. I have weekly goals and I weigh in once a week but I won't lie and say I don't hop on every day just to keep myself in check. My weekly goals really keep me on track and last weekend I went out to eat too much so I made a goal for myself this week. My goal this week was not to nibble and to work out 6 days this week even if it's just a 30 minute walk. I always have my lunch made and I know what I am eating every day. So last week I did not meet my goal so this week I am being very strict with myself. I think you can do this too. In the beginning it always seems hard because you don't feel like it's working and then one day your 20 lbs down. Maybe set smaller goals within your larger goal. I need to lose 50.5 pounds but because I have smaller goals as of right now my small goal was 30 lbs and I have lost 21 lbs so far. I have a date that I want to meet the 30 lbs and that also helps me keep with my goals. Set goals and dates so that you have structure. If I told myself I have to lose 50.5 lbs without having a date I'd be dieting forever. You can do this and your going to feel wonderful when you do.
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    I think that a lot of people get mislead when trying to lose weight by the notion of "if you eat xxxx calories/day you'll lose two pounds per week". Yes, in an ideal world this will happen. However, if all likelihood, it will not. I really buckled down on this on Feb 1 and have lost 16 pounds. 10 of that in the first month. This means that I've lost 6 pounds in over 6 weeks (and 2 of that was last week). You have to be realistic with yourself. It will come off slowly, but it will come off. There will be losses and gains along the way but IT WILL COME OFF.

    Okay, pep talk over. Are you willing to open up your food diary? If we're able to see it we might be able to pinpoint something that you had overlooked. I also know that, for me, I'm not always honest with myself. I'll be mad because I only lost .2 for a week when I've been so "diligent" yet, when I really think about it, I've been sneaking and snacking more than I want to admit. If you can open it up I'm sure we can all offer some more help =)
  • PrincessKittenpants
    We all hit that terrible plateau but please don't be discouraged. You have done such a wonderful job and I know you can keep it up! You need to remember the euphoria you feel when you notice the change in how your clothes fit and especially in how you feel about yourself. Getting healthy is a LONG process sweetie and you are going about it the right way. Just remember how much your MFP family loves you and we are so proud of you. You've come a long way and we will be here for the rest of your journey.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    I dont think moving up and down through 5lbs is a plateau. I beleive the definition of a plateau is when you dont move either way for 3 weeks.

    Anyway, that's beside the point.

    I gotta tell you hun, that this happened to me for about 4 months! Why? Becasue I'd got bored with the 'diet' and just wasnt giving it 100%!! I was good during the week, but reckless at the weekends. I'd eat up to my goal and then 'forget' to log the odd bag of snacks or lolly...........etc. And even my exercise wasn't as enthusiastic some days, even though I would log the same calorie burn! (That was before my HRM). IOW I lost the consistency, hency floating up and down.

    So, what I did was GO FOR IT again. Started P90X. Stopped drinking the wine on weekends. Cut my base calories. And gave myself a month to adjust again. After 6 weeks, I've lost 6lbs. Which is GREAT for me :bigsmile:

    So, my advice is, go grab the enthusiasm you started off with on Feb 1st and make some adjustments.

    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • Kjarlune
    Kjarlune Posts: 178
    Quick stats: Been on MFP since Feb 1, goal weight is165, current weight is 221. (all time low is 216.5)

    I am on week 3 of a plateau. I guess you'd call it a plateau when you dance with the same 5 lbs for 3 weeks - up 2, down 3, up 3, down 2.... I am approaching my monthly weigh-in and its looking like I will only bank a 5 lb loss this month, which is very discouraging to me since I have so much more to lose.

    I don't know what is going on with me, but I feel like instead of feeling 32 lbs lighter, I feel 53 lbs overweight. (I have lost 32 lbs, but have 53 more to go.) I feel like I've gotten ahead of myself and gotten cocky or something and now my loss has slowed to a creep and I feel like I can't wait anymore. Whats the alternative? To go back to what I was doing before, feeling miserable, eating and drinking whatever I want? NO thanks... but, I feel very stagnant and bored with this "diet" thing (I know its not a "diet" but a lifelong change) Its so scary to be at the 30 lb loss for me because that is the time where I ALWAYS start to gain it back - every time - I don't want that to happen this time. One thing that is different this time is being here on MFP - I've never had a support network like this before - you guys have pulled me out of so many dark times where in the past, I would have given up. I want to keep it up this time, but I am so very anxious and I feel some magnetic pull that is pulling me back down to the bottom of the pool, just when I thought I had my head above water.

    I think the biggest thing thats bothering me is that I was down to 216.5 last week, and now somehow have found my way back into the 220's (221 all week) and it HURTS me so much to be back up into another decade - I was so excited to be in the teens. But I can't seem to STAY in the teens - the 220's keep finding me!

    So anyways - I just had to whine. I feel better now that I got this off my chest - I don't even have the heart to update my ticker because if I did, it would say I've only lost 27 lbs, and 32 lbs lost sounds SO much better.

    I HATE my scale - but, if I get away from it for too many days, then I start sliding and slacking off with my eating. Its a knife that cuts both ways.

    SO what is the real difference between this time and last? You have already discovered that if you eat what you want and give up it will all come back....It is true when we have alot to get rid of we get caught up in what we have to let go of instead of what we have. But the great thing here is you know that. So do it differently. If you want something you have never had, do something you have never done...If it is a lifestyle, and lifestyles change don't you change with it?

    Treat this like anything else, if you make less money you spend less. If you make more money you buy better...If you are stuck at a certain weight you what? Change your eating again???? You can do this!!!!
  • muddmorris
    muddmorris Posts: 6 Member
    I've got a long way to go, too, but a friend of mine recently told me, "Don't look at how far you have to go, but at how far you've come!". I agree with the others in that we have to make small goals for ourselves. Don't focus so much on the # as the goal instead set goals like, "This week I will focus on eating more vegetables, or I will focus on getting in 30 minutes of cardio each day, etc.". This is what I am having to do. This week was bad for me, too, in that I ate too much Easter candy. In the past, I would've beat myself up and given up...but NOT this time. We can do this!!! Take it one day at a time, one moment at a time. You WILL get there!!!!!!
  • annalisasoren
    annalisasoren Posts: 6 Member
    Just want to chime in and say you are doing a GREAT job!
    I don't know what your exercise program is but if you are feeling bored and constricted on the "diet" front you may want to change your focus to the exercise/activity half of the equation. Set a goal for yourself, a 5K, a warrior dash, a mountain to climb, or a new activity that stretches you personally... something you wouldn't have even considered when you began this journey, a secret dream. If necessary loosen up a smidge on the diet. Its not just about getting smaller (although that is nice) its also about your life getting larger!
  • SolidGoaled
    SolidGoaled Posts: 504 Member
    I dont think moving up and down through 5lbs is a plateau. I beleive the definition of a plateau is when you dont move either way for 3 weeks.

    Anyway, that's beside the point.

    I gotta tell you hun, that this happened to me for about 4 months! Why? Becasue I'd got bored with the 'diet' and just wasnt giving it 100%!! I was good during the week, but reckless at the weekends. I'd eat up to my goal and then 'forget' to log the odd bag of snacks or lolly...........etc. And even my exercise wasn't as enthusiastic some days, even though I would log the same calorie burn! (That was before my HRM). IOW I lost the consistency, hency floating up and down.

    So, what I did was GO FOR IT again. Started P90X. Stopped drinking the wine on weekends. Cut my base calories. And gave myself a month to adjust again. After 6 weeks, I've lost 6lbs. Which is GREAT for me :bigsmile:

    So, my advice is, go grab the enthusiasm you started off with on Feb 1st and make some adjustments.

    Good luck :flowerforyou:

    You better believe it - I do the same thing! I've been getting bored and also a bit over-confident and regressing to old weekend habits of mind (namely, beer) and it brings me full circle back to where I started (habit wise). I am definitely going to have to take a serious look at that.
  • SolidGoaled
    SolidGoaled Posts: 504 Member
    I think that a lot of people get mislead when trying to lose weight by the notion of "if you eat xxxx calories/day you'll lose two pounds per week". Yes, in an ideal world this will happen. However, if all likelihood, it will not. I really buckled down on this on Feb 1 and have lost 16 pounds. 10 of that in the first month. This means that I've lost 6 pounds in over 6 weeks (and 2 of that was last week). You have to be realistic with yourself. It will come off slowly, but it will come off. There will be losses and gains along the way but IT WILL COME OFF.

    Okay, pep talk over. Are you willing to open up your food diary? If we're able to see it we might be able to pinpoint something that you had overlooked. I also know that, for me, I'm not always honest with myself. I'll be mad because I only lost .2 for a week when I've been so "diligent" yet, when I really think about it, I've been sneaking and snacking more than I want to admit. If you can open it up I'm sure we can all offer some more help =)

    You know what - I don't log on MFP. I tried it, but its so time consuming for me. I do better with a pad and paper. Maybe I'll start logging... To me, the most useful and helpful part of MFP is the message board part. I do know I need to cut my carbs back and increase my fiber and protein. I try to eat 4 meals a day, 350 cals per meal. Sometimes I will break one of those meals up into two for a pre/post workout meal/drink.
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    If you have a smartphone, the app makes it REALLY easy to log. I've never been able to do it with pen and paper, because then I'd have to figure out the calories and all that and it was such a pain. MFP does all that for you. This is the first time I've ever tracked what I'm eating and I'm actually having success this time. Logging really keeps me accountable.

    Also, whenever I start feeling like I've "only" lost 17 lbs or whatever, I go pick up stuff that weighs that much to see what 17 lbs really is. It helps.
  • teebeegeebee
    teebeegeebee Posts: 218 Member
    first of all great job so far
    have you tried changing your routine as some of the others have suggested ?
    review your food plan and switch things around - I never say I'm on a diet as a diet starts and ends , usually with a slip up like a nice cake or something, not that I'm saying thats your issue
    what do you do for exercise ? I have been walking the dog for weeks and nothing was happening then my nutritionist pointed me at this site and hey what happened the loss started again
    I use this app on my phone
    I use C25k as i wanted to start running - this im struggling with due to poor knees
    I downloaded another app called endomondo and this is awesome - tracks my distance, pace and encourages me by telling me every time i pass 1 km
    these changes are spurring me on at a point when in the past I would have quite and said enoughs enough
    try and change things - move your exercise times - evening instead of morning or vice versa
    make an exercise plan - I did mine in Excell its 9 weeks long and I cross each day off - 2nd june I will be able to run 5k,I have not run since 1990 30 August I am running a 12k fun event with work
    Now im no spring chicken, I dont care if it takes all day, all I have is that goal run 12k and enjoy this new life
    stick with it - mix it up, variety is the spice of life and feel good about who you are what you have achieved and where you are going
    you're doing a fantastic job !
  • pittielover23
    I know that 5lbs does not seem like a lot in the long scheme of things, but that is FIVE POUNDS. You are goin gin the right direction and losing a little more than a pound a week on average, which is right within the reccomended weight loss. As much as it seems slow to you now, it is moving in the right direction!

    A loss is a loss is a loss. You are kicking butt.
  • daisylovespink
    daisylovespink Posts: 89 Member
    You have done such an awesome job! 32lbs (or even 27) since Feb is GREAT!!!!! Be proud of how far you have come. If you are struggling, maybe switch up your routine to confuse your body and get it to let go of more pounds. Try a different exercise routine or a new recipe. Also do you eat the same amount of calories each day? I've read a few articles that say to help keep your body guessing to vary the calories. So if you eat 1200 calories for a couple days in a row and are really strict then on a day you exercise eat 1400 calories (make sure you earned those extra 200 calories) this is supposed to help keep your body out of a rut.

    Keep up the good work and you will start seeing that scale go down again!
  • troythegeek
    I hope reading all these responses have motivated you because they have certainly motivated me! Like others have said, your success so far is WONDERFUL! It is important to look at your overall diet and excercise and try to pinpoint some trouble areas. You might be under your calorie goal, but it isn't all about calories. That is what I am starting to learn from reading posts like yours and the great responses. I'm trying to keep notes of what has worked for people then go back and look at my diet and excercise to see if I am way off on something. MFP is a invaluable resource and full of people just like you and me. We are in this together in one way or another. Never doubt that YOU CAN DO THS!!
  • SolidGoaled
    SolidGoaled Posts: 504 Member
    Thanks everyone - really. This has all helped a lot!!! I am going to get in a killer workout this afternoon and keep pushing on. I think I need to get a life - I swear, all I do is sit around obsessing about my scale and my calories and how my clothes are fitting and when can I buy another size down, etc.

    I also want to disclose that I have had a TERRIBLE week with eating/alcohol also, which I am SURE has a lot to do with my bad weigh ins lately. So there is comfort in that - I always feel so bad for the ones who plateau when they are doing everything right. I really don't deserve any of this self pity I am giving myself - I brought this all on myself with chicken wings, Easter candy, and beer. :/
  • troythegeek
    ...chicken wings, Easter candy, and beer...

    Now there's your problem! :smile:

    Those are all things that I feel it is okay to indulge yourself in from time to time. Keep in mind that it will cause the scale to jump around, but as long as you don't let that become a regular thing you can recover and move on. Good luck with your workout!