What is MFP and weight loss teaching YOU?

I thought we can start a thread where everyone puts their input. Maybe our stories can help others relate.

Here is what I have learnt so far.....MFP and this journey in weight loss is teaching me that I have "choices". Choices in life. Choices regarding the types of food to eat and how active to be. This has been a life changing moment for me. Every day is a struggle but I am getting by, one day at a time. My goal is to get to my goal weight in about a year. I have done it 10 years ago and I want to do it again. MFP is also telling me that I am to be a responsible human being. I need to be true to myself first before I can be true to anybody else. The food diary helps me be true to myself. Daily - I am accountable for "my" actions. This also helps me look at the world differently. Compare myself to others and their choices. Ultimately, I have to make the right choice for ME. This is what MFP is teaching me..

Now your turn guys and gals!! :smile:


  • Mangoaddict
    Mangoaddict Posts: 1,236 Member
    I thought we can start a thread where everyone puts their input. Maybe our stories can help others relate.

    Here is what I have learnt so far.....MFP and this journey in weight loss is teaching me that I have "choices". Choices in life. Choices regarding the types of food to eat and how active to be. This has been a life changing moment for me. Every day is a struggle but I am getting by, one day at a time. My goal is to get to my goal weight in about a year. I have done it 10 years ago and I want to do it again. MFP is also telling me that I am to be a responsible human being. I need to be true to myself first before I can be true to anybody else. The food diary helps me be true to myself. Daily - I am accountable for "my" actions. This also helps me look at the world differently. Compare myself to others and their choices. Ultimately, I have to make the right choice for ME. This is what MFP is teaching me..

    Now your turn guys and gals!! :smile:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Mango-- yes, MFP teaches me accountability and faithfulness to my journey. But, I'm learning so much more here that I can't put into words-- about faith, friendship, feelings-- so many things-- I'm blathering and tired so I'm making no sense. I'm learning it's okay to have feelings. They don't have to be squelched. It's okay to say, 'I'm proud of myself." It's okay to struggle and have bad days. It's okay to feel bad, sad, down-- doesn't mean I'm "ruled by emotions," just that I'm acknowledging them-- gosh-- so much I'm learning by my wonderful friends here--

    Physically-- yes, I'm learning about responsibility for my choices-- better eating, more exercise-- but I think I'm learning more in other areas, to tell you the truth.

    I need sleep-- I'm making no sense-- I think.

    God bless--
  • Lizjkp
    Lizjkp Posts: 278
    MFP is teaching me to take control AND more importantly to KEEP control of what I eat ,how I eat it (slowly,enjoy ing my food and giving my stomach time to say ENOUGH already ) where and with whom I eat,:drinker: some people can have a negative approach to controlling calories by saying OH you can walk/excercise them off later and then never do so.

    I have also relearned that I must do this for me first and then for my family and friends. Most importantly I have learned that I CAN and WILL control the cravings (for too much chocolate,sweets,puddings and wasted calories), and that I DO feel good after my excercises even if I have to go out into the freezing cold and pouring rain because when I come back home the house is warm and cosy:laugh:

    So GO GO GO all of you out there whether you have been at it for years or just joined today, remember we may be miles away from each other but we are all in the same boat: wink: :heart: :happy:

    Angels are friends who lift us up when our wings have forgotten how to fly.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    MFP has helped me learn many, many lessons.

    The one that pops into my mind is:

    It takes time. One day turns into Two days. Two into Three and so on.

    I used to think...Oh I need to lose 50 pounds, why bother? It will take a year and I just cant think that far ahead.

    Then I saw a ticker for a young lady on here who has lost over 100 pounds, one day at a time. It occured to me on that day, that she stopped a year ago and made a decision that one day she would make a change. Then the next.....now it is a year later...........it would be a year later ANYWAY!!.........
    but now she is 1/2 the person she used to be. I wanted that for ME.

    It has been 5 months and 25 pounds. I start over each day with a attitude of gratitude for having made my body stronger and healthier!:flowerforyou:
  • sbacon1203
    sbacon1203 Posts: 307 Member
    Just becoming more aware.:smile:

    I am not a bump on a log any more. Last weekend I even got up and danced and I haven’t done that in 10 years. Now if I would only get going on cleaning (good deep cleaning) my home :blushing: .

    This has been a wonderful experience:happy: .

    Continued success to all :drinker:
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    That it is not just about going on a diet to lose weight and then going back to normal. That always leads to gaining it back.
    It's about a lifestyle of making healthier choices that will help me to maintain the loss.