Gastric bypass help!!

Hi All! I really need some help. I am 23 and I had the roux en y surgery back in 2009, yes,I was the youngest patient my doctor performed on. I am 5'4 and started out at 285. My lowest weight was 160 (size 10/12), the weight you always gain and try to maintain was 180. Well, I met my bf 2 years ago and we are fat and happy together. You know, I cook for him all the time, he is naturally smaller so he eats whatever he wants and loves when I bake so, I do but he's starting to pack on some lbs though. I am currently 220 so all in all I gained 60 lbs but I stabilized at 180. I am sick of feeling like crap, I was very happy and confident at 160 and I would love to get back there or lower, I just don't know if that's possible. With having the surgery is it possible for someone to get to a "normal" weight? Say 150 for me? I loved being healthy and feeling awesome. I loved putting effort into myself. I loved going and being active and not having major anxiety ridden moments feeling like every last person is looking at me and how fat I am. I've read so many different opinions; I've tried doing 1200 calories and I can do it because of the surgery. But how many calories should I aim for in the gym? Do I eat them back, even with the surgery? Any advice is greatly appreciated. I'm willing to work hard and do this right, I've had a hell of year with gaining weight and finances. I just started an amazing job so I'm ready to get my body back. Thank you!


  • radcas11
    radcas11 Posts: 76 Member
    I had gastric bypass last year (8/13/13) and have finally reached my maintenance weight. I feel like you can achieve anything you want to as long as you're realistic about it. The weight may not fall off like it did in the beginning after surgery because you've probably stretched your pouch. I really suggest plugging your numbers into MFP and letting it set the goal for you depending on how much you want to lose per week. So far, MFP has been pretty accurate with my maintenance calories. I've held steady for a few weeks now. When I started off going to the gym after surgery, I did 60 minutes of cardio 3 times a week. I slowly built myself up to 5 days a week. You can't kill yourself right off the bat because that's how you lose motivation. You have to build up to it because you're not use to it.
  • Jessvaliquette
    Jessvaliquette Posts: 111 Member
    Hi Ladies I am jess and I had my surgery March 2013, I have lost 104 lbs and been stable at about 150 to 154 lbs, I run a group on FB and we have members from each stage and yes it is possible to loose it again, one of our ladies is like 11 years out and she just lost all the access weight she had put back on, if you want amazing support and group of people come add me and you will get the support you need.
  • deannam315
    deannam315 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks you guys! I just wanted to know it's possible and that this surgery wants an end to losing weight, it was a tool but now I want to lose it the "natural weight"
  • knuckleswife
    knuckleswife Posts: 32 Member
    I just had a band over bypass. I had the RNY done in 2005 and gained most of my weight back. It has been 4 weeks since surgery. I had lost 12 lbs. prior to surgery. Which I only had 1 weeks notice and I have lost 14 lbs. since surgery and that was in the first 2 weeks. Now it has been 2 weeks and I haven't lost a pound. I consume under 600 calories a day and exercise almost all of that off at the gym everyday!! I don't know what to do!! Any suggestions?