Help with weekly workout ... to change body shape and weight loss

betty_2010 Posts: 44 Member
edited October 2014 in Fitness and Exercise
I am struggling to lose the last few pounds or more - I would like to drop another dres size and have stayed the same for the last 1 month – this is my routine for the last two weeks.

I also worried about my tummy after having my baby (17 months ago ) I still have the slight belly which seems to stay it's not sagging . I just think it will become loose as when I suck my stomach in the skin is there and shrivels what can I do? I no you cannot target train as such. My current body fat is 28% (which is the normal range for my heigh and age)

What would you change?

Monday – 6:45 am Metafit

Tuesday – 5:30pm c25k run (30mins – interval) or Curves gym resistance weight machine circuit with Zumba

Wednesday – 5:45pm – Metafit

Thursday - 5:30pm c25k run (30mins – interval) or Curves 30 mins on gym resistance weight machine circuit with Zumba and 30 mins body basics class ( which is resistance machines and bodyweight exercise either core/legs/arm/mash up.)

Friday – c25k run (30 min interval)

Saturday – at least an hour of full Zumba class plus curves body basic or interval run before hand

Meta fit is bodyweight training system aims to boost the metabolism and burn fat. Its quite simple, 65%-75% of your calories are burnt at rest, so to increase this calorie burn you must increase your RMR (resting metabolic rate) The workout will push your muscles to fatigue and elevate your heart rate so that you carry on burning calories for 24 hours after the session. Metafit involves traditional bodyweight exercises with the latest interval and Tabata techniques for high energy, safe and amazingly effective workout lasting only 30 MINUTES , yes 30 minutes !

Curves is - The Curves exercise circuit consists of hydraulic resistance machines, and move from one to the next with aerobic exercise in between. Zumba move on the Zumba class one and body basic class depending if legs or arm etc… (squat, burps, planks etcc..)


  • betty_2010
    betty_2010 Posts: 44 Member
    bump anyone?
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    1) you can't change body shape. Shape is dictated by your bones/joints, and no exercise or diet program will change that.

    2) Maybe it's the description you gave, but metafit sounds like a joke. Bodyweight exercises are fine, but most people who do them don't challenge themselves enough. Body weight squats won't do much for the average person. Single leg squats might, but most people don't do those.

    3) Attempting to lose weight by increasing RMR is a losing battle. While it's true that more muscle = higher RMR, the difference is minimal, and the time it would take to add meaningful muscle mass is in the order of years, not weeks or months.

    4) You make no mention of your diet, yet this will likely be the most important piece of the puzzle. Make sure your intake is correct and your macros are at least reasonably balanced.
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    If you're eating in a deficit that exercise routine sounds about right to me, especially for a time crunched new mom. I think the advice to take stock of your food intake is spot on, and I would add: patience. If you only have a few last pounds to lose it's going to be slower going than in the beginning. Give the routine time to work and I don't mean weeks. Months.
  • betty_2010
    betty_2010 Posts: 44 Member
    Metafit - is basically HIIT class - i tookthe desciption from the webiste - its small call they only allow 10/15 people so you get a one to one and they are always watching a pushing us. There is event wo instructors as well so we cannot cheat if your like.

    i dotn get the defiecit. and whether i eat my exercise back
    1300-1700 depending on the day