How Often?

I was just curious how often everyone weight's their selves? I usually do it everyday and Im wondering if I should stop that. It keeps me more under control doing it so often and most of the time I see the scale go down everyday.


  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    I was just curious how often everyone weight's their selves? I usually do it everyday and Im wondering if I should stop that. It keeps me more under control doing it so often and most of the time I see the scale go down everyday.
  • tanzmamma
    tanzmamma Posts: 368 Member
    Every friday morning, I weigh in.
  • SuzieQT
    SuzieQT Posts: 188 Member
    I weigh once a week. Usually Friday mornings before I get in the shower. Here's an interesting article I have posted on my blog about why you should weigh less often. Hope it helps! :flowerforyou:

    Your weight can fluctuate by a few pounds from one day to the next. The adult body is about 60% water, so small changes in water balance can easily alter body weight. For example, it is normal for many women to have some water retention around the time of their menstrual period, so their weight increases temporarily by a few pounds during this time.

    What you eat can also influence how much water your body keeps. If you eat a very salty meal, your body will retain extra water for 1 or 2 days to keep your body fluids from being too salty. Afterwards, your body will get rid of both the extra salt and water through your urine.

    Because of daily fluctuations in your weight, avoid weighing yourself every day. If you want to monitor your weight, weigh yourself no more often than once a week unless directed by your doctor to do so more often because of a health problem.
  • happy_feet
    happy_feet Posts: 175 Member
    I promised myself I wud weigh in jus once a week...on Friday morns... this was d 1st week of my promise n I have already crushed it by weighin myself today!! :grumble:
    But d good news is I have lost 2lbs since last wed... :blushing:
    Next weigh in: FRIDAY (will keep it this tym) :drinker:
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    I weigh every friday morning unless TOM is here... In that case I skip the week. If weighing everyday works for you and you're not stressed over it when you see the scale go up. If you can understand your daily flucuations without freaking out, then there's nothing wrog with that. It's just some people weigh in every day and actually think they've gained 2 lbs of fat in a day, they don't understand daily fluctuations. :flowerforyou:
  • Kateeliz
    Kateeliz Posts: 147 Member
    I weigh in every Monday when I first wake up (after going to the bathroom) and with no clothes on
  • LuvinLife
    LuvinLife Posts: 89 Member
    I weigh myself every morning. It keeps me motivated. I do realize that my water weight can change things around, but that also tells me that I need to drink more water to help flush things out. I don't see the scale go down everyday, but it's those tenths of a pound that help keep me motivated. If I only weighed in once a week, I don't think I would be successful because I would always tell myself to eat well just the few days before my weigh-in. I am a famous procrastinator!!! You gotta do what works for you. Like kerrilucko said, if the fluctuations don't bother you, the weigh everyday if it motivates you.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I am a bad one too - I weigh everyday that I am able to weigh 1 hr after waking - before breakfast. I feel like it keeps me on track if I see a .2 gain then I know what I did wrong usually and can lose it before I check in on this site.
  • titans6us
    I weigh myself every morning because it keeps me focused and motivates me one way or the other. If I gain, I work harder...if I lose, I keep going. So far it has worked. I have lost 11 pounds in 3.5 weeks.
  • Lizjkp
    Lizjkp Posts: 278
    I weigh myself every Monday morning after my morning abolutions and before breakfast, dressing and walking the dogs. I used to be tempted to do it more often but know I will get despondent: sad: if I do not see a drop in weight so the best for me is to weigh in weekly :wink: :smile: and know that because I have stuck to my allotted daily calories I should have lost at least 1lb over the last week.:drinker:
  • redlion54
    I weigh myself every morning. Sometimes I weigh myself at night too. I think I just like to see the number go down by morning.

    If you weigh yourself everyday, then you cannot worry about the daily fluctuations. They are going to happen. If you follow your eating and exercise plan, then the weight should come off. I only log in my weight once a week or so. I have dropped a pound each week since I started. So, I don't worry if one day the scale jumps up a few pounds because I know that in a few days my body will get rid of it. It just reminds me that I need to drink an extra glass or two of water.

    If you can handle watching the daily fluctuations, then don't worry about it. Just think about your long term trend. If the numbers on the scale are getting smaller as time goes by, well then, I don't think it matters how often you check.
  • NewMK08
    NewMK08 Posts: 399 Member
    I normally weigh every morning, but I gave up the scale all of last week and it was SO nice not having to worry and stress on whether my weight had gone up or down from the previous day. I don't deal well with fluctuations! Plus I enjoyed not having to stand around freezing in my skivvies while standing on the scale-HeHe!! I did weigh this morning and I had lost 2 pounds from last Monday...Yay!!!

    But...Since Thanksgiving is coming up, I might weigh every day this week just to keep me accountable. I'm going to eat, but I don't want to go overboard!!
  • gnicolecan
    gnicolecan Posts: 293 Member
    Every day in the morning. :)
  • abs0830
    abs0830 Posts: 319 Member
    I weigh myself twice per week. Monday and Thursday mornings. The main reason is that every day makes me number crazy, but less often reduces my motivation. I need to weigh before Friday and after the weekend to keep myself motivated through the weekend. Weekends tend to be my pitfall.
  • Livi_Loves_Pink
    I weigh once a week on Sunday mornings.
  • MollySue30
    MollySue30 Posts: 288 Member
    When I started this program I weighed in on Tuesday mornings, I am going to weigh in tomorrow morning, I weight in a few times last week but with TOM being there isn't a pretty site, I only gained 2.5 pounds and I then weighed myself yesterday and was down those 2.5 pounds. I hope tomorrow is a good day for me.

    I usually get up and go to the rest room and then get on the scales before I shower. So I am hoping that I am down, I feel that I am. I know that I probably lost inches because my wedding rings are really big and I love that feeling. I need to get them resized but want to wait till I am out of the 200's. I hope that I can keep going with this.
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    I happened to start my lifestyle change on a Thursday, so that is the day I weigh.....unless I am going or have been on vacation or something out of the norm.

    I kind of like doing it Thursday! Because if I am going to eat something that is saltier or out of my normal schedule, it will be on the weekend and I feel like this gives me a few days to get back to normal before I weigh.
  • ellelit
    ellelit Posts: 806 Member
    usually daily. i find it keeps me on track. sometimes if i'm going through a rough patch i will hide the scale because i know it will be bad, but if i'm eating well, it's nice to see the progress!
  • anothergoat
    anothergoat Posts: 19 Member
    I weigh in every day but I only log my weight when I hit a new "low".

    This has worked for me in a couple of ways. First, I've gotten used to seeing my weight fluctuate naturally so a little gain isn't that discouraging. I just drink more water or take longer walks if it stays up for several days.

    Only logging the "lows" has kept me motivated - I see steady progress when I look at my reports. And it's so exciting when I drop another pound. If I only weighed in say, on Monday, and I had hit a new low on Saturday, I would have missed it!

    Everyone is different so you might try it one way for a few weeks and then change for a while. Good luck!
  • Emmalouise23
    I weigh in first thing Monday mornings x