Birth Control and Weight Gain?

Hey all!

So i hit about 1lb shy of my weight goal back in July. I stopped counting on and off probably the last year or so. But now, I've since gained about 6-7lbs in what I would think is an extremely short amount of time. about 3lbs in the last 3 weeks alone. One might say this is normal weight fluctuation, but I weigh myself every morning, and I havent been so far over my normal weight fluctuation (about 4lbs over) in a while. i dont think ive been at this weight in about a year now that I think about it.

The only thing that has changed is that I started the patch again. Im looking into the iud (mirena) but im worried that will make me gain even more weight. It is possible my eating habits have changed for the worse, and i'm counting cals again to see if I can get it back down. But does anyone have experience with the patch and weight gain or the iud and weight gain? apprx how much did you gain?

Thanks in advance! :)


  • apgabriel915
    apgabriel915 Posts: 53 Member
    So far there isn't any medical proof that any bc increases weight gain. If your eating habits changed then that's your culprit. I've done everything trying to find what works for me and haven't gained. Try tracking again for a few weeks and go from there. :smiley:
  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    Lots of opinions here, but I think if you tighten up your calories, your weight will go back down.

    I've heard some scary things about IUDs so just do your research before you decide.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    I have horrible issues with weight gain and hormonal birth control. I've never been tracking food when I've been on them, so I can't say this is absolutely 100% true without the data, but I do blame the hormones. Whether they actually cause weight gain alone by impacting my CICO equation, or just put me into that PMS-like state of "must eat all the foods" 24 hours a day and I was eating more due to that (again, not tracking at those times), I gained weight. I had a whole host of other side effects from them as well, which is why I suspect they were related to weight gain. I also lost weight after stopping them without any intentional lifestyle changes.
  • cmpilgrim
    cmpilgrim Posts: 44 Member
    I have the copper IUD and I love it. I had to stop taking BC pills last December because I swear they were contributing to my migraines and I just didn't like putting all those chemicals in my body. When I stopped taking them I lost 8 lbs in less than a month. I've heard scary things about Mirena and personally I don't think messing up your body's natural processes are a good thing. If you have any questions about the copper iud feel free to message me :)
  • Amanda4change
    Amanda4change Posts: 620 Member
    My daughter (who is thin) gained 15 pounds in 2 months after starting birth control pills. Her eating and exercising habits hadn't changed at all. (she also broke out for the first time ever in horrible acne). She stopped taking the pills and within two weeks the acne cleared up and about 6 weeks she had dropped the extra 15 pounds. (is it proven that it was the Birth Control, no as it isn't a scientific study, but it seemed obvious to us). I had a copper IUD (due to medical reasons I couldn't' get the hormone ones). 8 months after I had it put in I woke up in agony from pelvic/abdominal pain and heavy bleeding, turns out the IUD pierced my uterus. This is apparently a rare side effect that can happen (I wish my doctor would have told me it was possible before I got it). Since hormonal birth control isn't an option (and no doctor will give a second IUD) and we are done having kids, my husband got a vasectomy.
  • Vicky45897
    Vicky45897 Posts: 10 Member
    I have gained weight since having my marina and I am having it out asap, the marina is the cause of my weight gain as nothing else in my life has changed, as women we are unfortunately prone to water retention and our hormones control this google it hunni there are loads of women who are experiencing the same thing some women are lucky and it has suited them I am not one of those women and can't wait to get the bugger out! lol xxx
  • texas_state11
    texas_state11 Posts: 18 Member
    I had the mirena a couple of years ago and my clear beautiful skin broke out in cystic acne that was incurable. I even took acutane (?) and it didn't clear my face at all!!!! A couple months later I had the mirena taken out and then had the copper iud put in. It was incredibly painful and I was constantly bleeding. The reason I was bleeding so much was because my body didn't recognize the foreign body and was trying to expel it. I then went on a yaz generic and it was great!!! It reduces water retention and cleared up my skin. I recently got off because my fiance and I are looking to start a family and since I've been on hormones so long I wanted to give my body time to readjust. Anyway I hope my info helps...
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I've been on the pill for 25 years and have both gained and lost weight, and have had both clear skin and breakouts.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    edited October 2014
    I would never get the patch or IUD. I've heard too many horror stories. And have lots of friends who have gained up to 50 lbs on the IUD and patch.

    I take Junel (Loestrin)… it's the pill with the lowest amount of estrogen which means it causes the least amount of side effects. I've been on it for almost 6 years and haven't gained any weight from it. I would highly recommend it.
  • Michifan
    Michifan Posts: 95 Member
    My wife who is a dietician noticed that there was a change in her and her clients' metabolism when they were on birth control. Some of it was water retention, but more or less she recommended that they cut back on their caloric intake and drink more water as a precaution.

  • sylviedrozz
    hell yes. they trick your body into thinking your pregnant which increases your appetite and gives you more cravings. you can loose weight on it but it'll be difficult because I'm guessing your body doesn't want you to loose weight because it'll harm the 'baby'. i plateaued for months then after getting rid of my implant within 3 days broke that plateau
  • summer92008
    Well...all I can give you is my personal experience. I have been on birth control for the last 5 years (the pill). I have gained some weight since then, but I think it is just over eating. I definitely did not notice any weight gain when I first started on it. And I have also lost around 13 lbs (not updated on MFP yet) and haven't seemed to struggle because of the birth control. My best friend is also on the pill and lost quite a bit of weight, and didn't gain initially when starting birth control. I would just say it is overeating and not realizing it. If you aren't counting calories, you can definitely consume more calories than you think you are. I would try to just count calories for a while and see if the weight goes back down.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    edited October 2014

    I had mirena put in on July 25. So far I haven't had a period and I am having no trouble losing weight.

    yellow mark is the day mirena was put in.
    blue mark is the day I started a new workout plan.

  • Kaitlynar
    I don't usually comment on the forums, but when I saw Mirena question pop up, I felt I should put my two cents in. Definitely, the first things you should do is start counting calories again to see if the weight comes off. Normal body fluctuations in weight in a week, heck in a day, can be 1-10 pounds. Personally, on my cycle, I gain about 5 and it goes away when my period is done. It's possible you have some water retention as your body adjusts to the new birth control and adjustments usually take a few months. It's normal.

    As for the Mirena, I had one put in a month ago and it was the best decision I made personally. I can't use estrogen due to a clotting disorder and I struggled with the oral progesterone only pills (progesterone is the only hormone in Mirena) in terms of cycles and other menstrual issues. To briefly explain Mirena, it is a localized hormone released via a T shape device that is inserted in your uterus. It is progesterone only like the Mini Pill, and works by both thickening cervical mucus, depleting the lining of your uterus, and preventing sperm from reaching an egg. It can in some women completely stop ovulation. But the primary reason someone doesn't get period when on Mirena, is because there isn't a uterine lining to shed. That being said, you can have some period issues (bloating, cramping, tired, etc.) because your body still releases the menstrual hormones.

    However, I was able to lose weight on both the mini pill and Mirena. Heck, I lost two pounds immediately after the Mirena insertion. I haven't had any side effects or a period. But, personal experience is anecdotal. Do your research on medical sites and journals not forums and message boards. Talk to your doctor, nurses, health professionals etc. I guarantee no one is trying to screw you over. People will have horror stories online, and you can also find people online who have talked to big foot and aliens. Do your research. I was scared, did my research and it was the best decision.

    Any birth control is going to have potential side effects. On estrogen pills and other methods, you could have a blood clot for example. That doesn't stop people. Side effects happen, but they are usually unlikely to. You don't stop driving and you are very likely to be in a serious accident from it. And if it turns out you really don't like the IUD, it can be removed. I hope this very long and thorough answer helps.