Help with calorie deficit

kjsimps Posts: 17
edited September 26 in Food and Nutrition
My husband has been telling me for years that one of my biggest weight loss hurdles is that I don't eat ENOUGH. Well I started journaling, and then 2 days ago I joined here at MFP and I can see for myself now that he is totally right! I can't believe it. I know that MFP tells you how many calories you need and then recommends that you eat back half of what you burn through exercise, fair enough, but the problem is that it is a LOT of calories! Yesterday with my exercise calories added back in, I should have consumed around 2200 calories for the day!! I managed 1500... and I was not hungry at all all day long. I am making myself eat 5 or 6 small meals (before, I wasn't eating a single thing until after 2pm every day...) throughout the day and I am eating healthy stuff and lots of protein, but OMG I still had a huge calorie deficit. I want to follow what MFP recommends as closely as I can because I know it is important to keep intaking calories, but what else should I incorporate as far as eating goes?? I thought maybe I should have a Lean Pocket along with my Clif Bar at lunch or something, I dunno?! Suggestions anyone?!


  • So glad you posted this!!!! I have been very confused on this as well. I was told to lose weight you need to maintain between 1200-1500 calories but according to this it's not right. There are days when I'm supposed to consume close to 3500 in calories and I just can't do that anymore!! :ohwell: Waiting for responses as well
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    You can add some calorie dense foods in such as cheese, peanut butter. My DH is now maintaining the 40 lb weight loss he had through using MFP and he is having a hard tim eating enough calories. He snacks all day now on cheese, nuts, fruit, pretzels, etc; healthy snacks but more calorie dense. I'm glad you came here and realized what was going wrong. Maybe try using full fat milk or salad dressing to up the calorie intake. I really don't know; I still am in the weight loss mind set but hopefully more people will have better advice. Good luck!
  • ouryear002
    ouryear002 Posts: 325 Member
    Add things like a glass of low fat chocolate milk to meals and snacks. But a word of caution- I was eating back my exercise calories and not losing weight for a couple of weeks. I was using the treadmill calorie counter and the MFP estimator for workouts. I got a HRM and discovered I am burning way less than both of these numbers! I was "overeating" at least 100 calories a day. SO use a HRM to calculate calories burned or take some off of what you enter to be on the safe side!
  • greeneyed84
    greeneyed84 Posts: 427 Member
    There are sooo many topics on this. Just take a look around ladies.
    MFP has a calorie deficit calculated in. So if you eat all your calories it gives you and don't work out you will lose weight. If you exercise your body uses the fuel you gave it and it leaves you with pretty much nothing. Which means you have to eat more in order to keep your body functioning they way it should. If you don't it will leave your body with a too big deficit which means it will think you're short on food and it hangs on to the fat you already have in order to survive.
    It's all really simple once you get the hang of it.
    I try not to burn too many calories each day so i actually can eat them all but on days i know i am going to eat more calories (eating out, bday party etc) i will burn off more so i don't overeat.

    Hope this makes sense to you. You NEED to eat in order to lose weight
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    Lean pockets have a TON of sodium. Health food is usually actually not that healthy for you.

    A nice salad, an orange, a banana, cheese cube etc.
  • Xaspar
    Xaspar Posts: 726 Member
    To lose weight, you need to have enough calories going into your system for it to feel like it can 'give up' what it is hoarding.

    I am 5'6" tall and weigh 168 pounds... female.

    The female body needs approximately 1200 calories to properly sustain the organs, muscle, nervous system, etc. So, you should not eat less than 1200 calories per day.

    let's take a look at a few factors and go from there ... Fact: approximately 500 calorie deficit every day for seven days equals approximately 1 pound of weight loss. (3500 calories)

    So, how do you determine your calorie deficit? First go to your goals page and look at the right hand box on the top, it says "calories burned from normal daily activity" If you have it set to sedentary, it will say something near the 1800 - 2000 range.
    Mine is 1810 at 5'6" and 168 pounds.... Then think about how many calories you are burning that day. (Example 300 for swimming a half hour (made up figure)) Add that to your daily burn: (1810 + 300 = 2110). So I need to eat NO MORE than 1630 calories for that day to keep the 500 calorie deficit and lose at the one pound per week pace. (If I wanted to lose 1.5 pounds per week, I would subtract 750) and if I wanted to lose about two pounds per week (then I would subtract 1000 calories) BUT that would put me below 1200 calories for the day, which I try to avoid because I want to feel better at the end of the day. So I give myself the window of 1200 to 1610 calories for that day ... and generally try to err on the side of the 750 deficit area (around 1360 calories). Since I have such an aggressive goal (2 pounds per week) the computer has me set up with the lowest amount of calories I can eat and still fuel my body properly.

    A lot of people will say don't eat back your calories, but I am already sitting at the low end of calorie intake so this method helps me to figure out where I should be eating. And since I don't exercise every day and work at a desk job, I use sedentary and just do the calculations when I need to.

    If this seems like a lot of calories, then perhaps eating several smaller meals throughout the day may help you get in more fuel for your body... I have my chart set up for three meals, two snacks and a dessert... I divide my daily calories up between each of these meals, so that the snacks and dessert are about half the calories as the meals and go from there.

    I hope this helps

    Edit: I didn't note in here, but I have been told by my nutritionist and seen in several difference help sites etc.... Any more than a 1000 calorie deficit will cause that 'hoarding' instinct in your body to kick in, so I try not to go with a deficit higher than that.
  • kjsimps
    kjsimps Posts: 17
    Thanks. And I completely understand the mechanics of it, my problem is what am I going to eat to make up the difference? I feel like I am just not going to ever eat enough! I feel like to lose weight, I need to eat more than I was eating before, which is a weird concept to me but I can see now that I wasn't eating enough (well, and what I was eating was not so great, but eating only twice a day isn't good either)
  • bump
  • ouryear002
    ouryear002 Posts: 325 Member
    Not sure what you are eating right now, but you mentioned a cliff bar for lunch. That could be swapped for a chicken breast with a salad and fruit. Breakfast of a waffle or bagel with peanut butter. I'd save the bars for when you aren't able to eat a sit down meal. Smoothies after a workout made with a protein powder, fruit, and milk add up pretty quick too. You may need to slowly work up to eating more to kick your appetite into gear. You will remember this problem with disbelief when you get closer to your goal and have a calorie plan of 1200 cals/day!
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    Increase each meal/snack by 25-50 cals. It usually only takes a week or two to get adjusted to a higher intake. Also, increase healthy fats from natural oils (olive/canola), nuts (almonds, pistachios, walnuts) and avocados. All high cal, but healthy. Try drinking more milk, a protein shake, a fruit smoothie - a lot of times it's easier to drink more even when you aren't that hungry.
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