MFP Goal Calories

Does MFP automatically build in a calorie deficit when it gives you your goal calories for the day? If it suggests you eat 2,000 calories, does that mean it calculates your daily caloric needs at 2,500 or so?


  • Irishwench
    It automatically puts you in a deficit. While taking into account your activity level that you stated for yourself at start up.
  • deckerp
    deckerp Posts: 4,365 Member
    Yes. When you enter your current information and set your goal (maintain, lose 1 lb per week, lose 2 lbs per week) the goal for calories includes a calorie deficit that matches your goal.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Yes, if you want to see the exact numbers, go to HOME>GOALS and everything is laid out there.