Busy mom with 1 year old looking for MFP friends

Hi there!
I'm looking for MFP friends with similar goals and challenges.

A little about me:
I am a Christian
I have a husband and a 14 month old son.
I work full time outside the home.
I have been overweight since middle school.
Running and Pilates are my favorite ways to exercise; finding time for them is a huge struggle.

Why I'm here:
I'd like to loose 60 lbs by making healthier choices.
This website helped me loose 30 lbs a few years ago but am sad to say I'm starting over.
I need to keep it simple; log food and move more one day at a time.
Hope to meet people who I can encourage and who can encourage me.

Please add me as a friend if interested!


  • kennethcarney
    kennethcarney Posts: 11 Member
    Count me in.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    I have a one year old and a 4 month old :) busy busy!!
  • melissasue79
    melissasue79 Posts: 6 Member
    I just messaged you please feel free to add me. I got back on MFP two days ago trying to restart again most of my contacts on here seemed to have not been logged in for months :(
  • felinasbeads
    felinasbeads Posts: 75 Member
    I have a 5 year old who just started Kinder and a 1 year old who doesn't sleep through the night. I end up having to run at 9:00 at night and I've been totally slacking on my strength training. You can do this. We have to make times for ourselves!! Do it! :)
  • m5johnson
    m5johnson Posts: 21 Member
    Ah! My guy doesn't sleep through the night either.

    Do you run outside or use a treadmill?
    I prefer outside but live in Minnesota with a long, cold, and dark winter ahead. Wishing a gym membership or treadmill fit into our budget.

    Thanks for the encouragement and friend requests everyone!
  • judimuro
    judimuro Posts: 17 Member
    Hi! I work full time, married with a 4 yr old girl and 18 month old boy who is constantly trying to injure himself and only sleeps about half the time! Before I had my son I had lost 20 lbs and now I'm trying to lose it again. My hubby and I started p90x this week and are trying to eat healthier. Add me! I think its great to have people supporting you. Also on facebook is a group called no excuse moms. I love it! Most of the moms on there are super supportive. Good luck!