Fit and Fabulous - Women 50 and older

Hi, I started a blog for women who are active and enjoy being fit. I would like to talk about weight loss as well as what it is like to age and for those of us toggling back and forth on gray or not to gray. I am looking for women who are looking to lose the 10 or 20 pounds that are settling around their middles.


  • rutbatavs
    rutbatavs Posts: 10 Member
    Hi. I'd love to keep in touch to talk, chat, about our age-related ups and downs. I'm 56 and, after being a vegetarian for 36 years, I have a cholesterol level of 238. My doc says I can try to get it down by eating better and losing weight, so here I am. I've lost 16lbs over the last 2 years (before I knew about my cholesterol) and am trying for another 9. It'll get my bmi to 23.6, normal. Hopefully that'll help my cholesterol too.
    I won't post this much all the time, I promise! Are you logging in every day?
  • StillwaterLady
    StillwaterLady Posts: 12 Member
    Hi - I was logging in but had that cold that was going around. I am back - and gained a pound. It is a struggle. I am also now working on my cholesterol as I found out it is higher than it should be. That will motivate me.