Saying hello!

Hi, I'm very much new to Myfitnesspal. I found it through the Dietbet challenge where I'm doing a 4 week weight loss challenge with Joanna Soh. This website was recommended by many people and I have to say its great! Just what I've been looking for!

I lost 15kgs 2years ago and tried to maintain it. But it's been hard because the rest of my family is not into it. I still have about 10kgs to go in order to reach my goal weight. I'm very motivated right now because summer here in Australia is approaching and I want to wear a bikini at the beach dammit!

I have that seemingly impossible to get rid of weight around my stomach and hips area. Its a pain and I've had enough! It needs to go!!

Hopefully Myfitnesspal and Dietbet will help with reaching my goal!!

So here's a Hi to my fellow fitness pals. *waves*.
I hope we all reach our goals whatever they are!


  • angeladrage
    Hi there, I've been on Myfitnesspal for a little while now & it has helped a lot. Although my stomach & hips could be smaller.

    I love exercising & dancing & I'm always on the go. I go to a Zumba class every Friday, which is a lot of fun.

    I have three children so am also running around after them & now I am 12 weeks pregnant but that hasn't stopped me from working out

  • eshanig1

    Thats great to hear that you're keeping up with your fitness!

    I love dancing too. I used to do zumba but my gym has changed the time to mornings now so i cant go :(

    Im 22yrs so still at uni
    but Im sure your kids will benefit from healthy eating greatly too!

    Im loving the support i see here. :)