Finally, someone noticed, and I loved it!!

pammyd76 Posts: 42 Member
This week I’ve been entertaining a couple I met in PNG 4 years ago. I saw them approx 2 years ago (when I was my heaviest weight ever). Today over lunch I mentioned that I was trying to lose some weight in anticipation of travelling back to PNG in 2016 and she told me that when she and the group saw me last week (for the first time in 2 years), they discussed amongst themselves how I had ‘reduced’ since they saw me last. I was so thrilled, and didn’t even care that she was using hand jesters to show how big my belly was lol!!! This is my first comment - and I’ve been hanging out!! Just the shot in the arm I needed to power on!


  • nehushtan
    nehushtan Posts: 566 Member
  • hortensehildegarde
    hortensehildegarde Posts: 592 Member
    LOL!! It's so hard to see it ourselves sometimes since it comes on so much more gradual to us cause we see ourselves all the time. Glad you felt encouraged, and I'd bet quite a bit that others have noticed too but feel scared to say anything lest they risk being "impolite".

    I'm still scared of the first time someone asks me about it but you gave me an idea! I can mention it around the people I see the most to take the scare out of those first comments! And it's nice to see someone who was pleased that someone noticed. Makes me feel like maybe I don't need to be so terrified and completely wishing no one will ever notice.
  • southernbuttercup
    southernbuttercup Posts: 61 Member
    You should be very proud of your hard work! What a great day to have someone notice. Kudos.
  • pammyd76
    pammyd76 Posts: 42 Member
    LOL!! It's so hard to see it ourselves sometimes since it comes on so much more gradual to us cause we see ourselves all the time. Glad you felt encouraged, and I'd bet quite a bit that others have noticed too but feel scared to say anything lest they risk being "impolite".

    I'm still scared of the first time someone asks me about it but you gave me an idea! I can mention it around the people I see the most to take the scare out of those first comments! And it's nice to see someone who was pleased that someone noticed. Makes me feel like maybe I don't need to be so terrified and completely wishing no one will ever notice.

    Well, actually, I had put it out there a couple of times in 'safe' circles and felt very discouraged that no one bit lol!! I wasn't going to say anything anymore until it was really noticeable. The only reason I brought it up was that these people are so removed from my everyday that I didn't over think it.

    It's been weird because I am very large and the changes that I have really seen in myself wouldn't be where most people would look. Like my circumference has reduced but the weight has come more off my back and my tummy doesn't look much different (is that over share?). I've only been working on it 69 days (69 day streak - woohoo!) so I'm hoping by Christmas its noticeable to people who see me regularly. I guess these guys haven't seen me in ages and so they noticed immediately.

    Don't be terrified of people noticing - I know it's awkward cos it highlights the fact that people saw you bigger - but it is validating! Gosh, some days I think "yes, I'm losing weight" but then by the end of the day I convince myself that I imagined it. Maybe practise your response so you're ready and can play it cool :D
  • _Blues_
    _Blues_ Posts: 62 Member
    I know the feeling, my boss noticed my weight-loss and i was astonished, he had been spying on me via security cameras and told my co worker he barley recognized me. I work the overnight position so i never see him he has been the only one that has made any comment about my weight-loss without me having to bring it up.
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