How to lose trap fat/muscle? Freaking out

FloJo9011 Posts: 43
edited October 2014 in Fitness and Exercise
Weigh 147 pounds as of today. My starting weight was 163 in March 2014. I'm 22 and is a female..height 5'6.

Anyhow, inches been falling off more so than the weight... I haven't been working out. I walk and jog/run twice a week. No strength training but was going to start once I lost most of the body fat. I pretty much lost the weight so far on a calorie deficit. Not even so much clean eating just cutting.

I lost a lot in the waist... the legs and butt... lower back is starting to arch, belly fat is coming along, my waist is tiny... arms are being stubborn but it's getting there. Collarbone is making an appearance but I still need to be revealed some more. . Boobs are a 36 cup... and I know I've lose some breast fat they still look big because my body is getting smaller.

As I'm losing... it looks like my trapezius (top neck shoulder) is puffy and looks big. I don't know if it's muscle or fat... I just know I don't want it. It make me look like a quarterback. I just don't understand how I'm losing weight and the traps look like they are growing. I'm not looking to be bones and sticks... but 135 for my height is okay.

I still have a nice disgusting amount of bra fat and back fat in general at the top... Please help.


  • ThePhoenixIsRising
    ThePhoenixIsRising Posts: 781 Member
    Just stay with it. It sounds like you're doing great, unfortunately our bodies don't always take fat from where we want them to, when we want them to.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    Start lifting!
  • beccaheiser
    beccaheiser Posts: 12 Member
    You can't choose where the fat comes off. Try doing more cardio, 4-5 times a week. (or 7 if you're really anxious for the weight to come off) Cutting your calories is a great start but if you notice your body plateauing, it's time to up the workout routine! Best advice is to stick with it. You can do it!
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    If all you're doing in running, your traps are not growing.

    But pics always help answer these questions.