Starting Again

motherinme Posts: 38 Member
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
Hello, my name is Heidi and after 3 kids, I am starting my weight loss journey once again. I keep falling off the wagon and even after only 24 hours of signing up for this program (myfitnesspal) and taking a gym class, I feel the habits that got me here pulling at me. I just want to lose weight to look decent in my clothing. A few pounds off and than my aspirations will be bigger...for right now, I just want to get the hang of working out and eating well :)


  • countdowntotarget
    countdowntotarget Posts: 108 Member
    Awww hunn it takes time - Ive been trying to suss out this healthy eating and exercise lark out since FOREVER - Ive fallen off the bandwagon so many times Im on first name terms with the driver !!!!

    Just take it one day at a time - sometimes meal by meal if its a tough day, you are never on your own on this site - that the beauty of it day or night there will be someone, somewhere who will be here to help you through the tough x x x
  • jeannas
    jeannas Posts: 109 Member
    Welcome..and feel free to add me. This is a great place to start! If you aren't familiar with sure to read all the introductory stuff for newbies it really helps.

    Take it one day at a time, set small goals (I did the same) and pretty soon you will be wondering what took you so long to do this!

    Good luck and have a great day!

  • guidnca
    guidnca Posts: 64
    Glad you are here. Be gentle with yourself and don't 'should' on yourself.
  • Keep trying. I feel your pain- after a year of busting my butt getting in shape -I got the winter sickeness & then I slacked off for like 2 months and I am slowly sliding back into the same place I was 1 year ago..
    I have given myself a break - because no one is perfect and I just need to refocus on what I want and how I am going to get there!!

    Having 3 boys myself - sometimes it is just too hard to find the time for yourself. But you have to make it! They will not be traumatized because you took an hour to yourself ( took me a while to realize that! ) They will however benefit from a mom who is happier with herself !!

    Best of Luck!!
    Erica :flowerforyou:
  • janetv3
    janetv3 Posts: 37 Member
    Welcome and don't feel embarresed or shy we are all here to support you..................I'm starting over too...... Just take one day at a time..........keep committed and track your food.... you can do this.... I'll be happy to encourage you....add me as a friend if you like.
    Have a great Day....
  • Oh Sweetie... I remember breaking down when my babygirl (our 3rd child) was 2 years old and I was still over 200lbs! I joined a women's only fitness center, and actually had an instructor / personal trainer tell me that I'd NEVER be able to get a hard flat tummy after having 3 kids... it just wasn't possible to repair that much damage. I wish I knew where she was NOW!! I'd love to show her what dedication will do!!

    All those tears I've cried in the past about being out of shape... whooo! And no, I'm not nearly in the shape that I aspire to be, but isn't that the point... we always have room for improvement?? I remember "playing" with my youngest, while "WE" would do yoga & pilates... she would say "Do OGA & POTTIES Mama??" She was my best ever workout partner!!

    So, what I'll say is hang in there Honey, you are definitely in the right place!! You're making the right choices, JUST by being here!! Keep tracking your nutrition & activity... and try new, fun things! (I never imagined that I would EVER become a runner/marathoner!! But here I am!)

    Much Love!!
    Angie :flowerforyou:
  • GaveUp
    GaveUp Posts: 308
    Hi Heidi,

    First of all Congrats on joining here and a gym. If you look at my diary yesterday you will see none of us are perfect. Working out is most important then adding the healthy choices of foods. Its no t easy and never will be. I'm almost 50 and still working on it... YOU CAN DO THIS!! Just remember its a way of life not a diet.
  • Hi, I'm Hope. I feel like i definitely need the accountability. i look back at last year and i realize how far i have come, and i'm proud of that, but it's a bit overwhelming to see how much further i have to go. But at least this time, i care about what i'm eating and i'm hoping the journaling of my foods will help keep me in line without becoming psychotic about it, b/c who wants to hang out with an obsessed "how many calories is this food" person? :) Hahahah.

    Last year, i started and i' ve been walking/jogging in 5k, and completed in a 10 miler last weekend with my best time so far, and i entered to walk/jog in the mini-marathon here in Indy (13.1 miles). So i feel like i'm on the right track, just need the accountability without going over the edge.
  • motherinme
    motherinme Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks everyone for your sweet words of encouragement. I had a friend on FB last night tell me not to get obsessed with calories and I'm not really following a diet, just want to keep my intake lower...I'm really struggling with that. One of you who posted (and I can't find it now, sorry whoever it was) said that she didn't want to be that obsessed person who is counting every calorie going into her mouth that no one wanted to be around...She's right! Who wants to deal with that, BUT on the flip side, Junk Food is my friend and "we" will have to part ways, at least temporarily :)
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