Tell me I CAN do this!

This is only my 50th attempt at "starting over" this year. I even managed to fall off the wagon while seeing results :-/ THIS time I'm nearly a week into clean-ish eating and my body is responding beautifully. My official weigh in day isn't until Sunday and I'm already down 4 pounds. My cravings for bad foods are disappearing and I feel much better. I had a miscarriage in August that is stil an emotional struggle and am trying to prepare my body physically for a healthy pregnancy. I also have a history of high blood pressure(no longer on meds though) and am in the process of planning an awesome summer beach vacation. These are all great reasons to stay motivated this time. I can do this.


  • takkyboomboom
    takkyboomboom Posts: 43 Member
    You definitely CAN do this and you WILL too. I have faith in you.
  • IvyLuci
    IvyLuci Posts: 117 Member
    edited October 2014
    Yes, you can do it.

    Think back to the 50 failed attempts. What caused you to fail? Have you found a way to avoid it repeating? Or to minimize its effects? The best way to succeed is to learn from our mistakes and not repeat them.

    Good luck to you.

    eta: and don't forget, even if you have a bad day, tomorrow you can start all over
  • MissMul
    You will SMASH IT. So I fell off the wagon too, more than once (in fact getting back on right now this week myself), but I find that it's much easier to get back into the rhythm of the exercise and eating right rather than having to start from the beginning. Your body wants the exercise, it wants the good food, so it repsonds quickly!!!

    Keep up the good work. Sorry to hear about your lose over the summer, and I hope you will have everything you want soon :smile:
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    I would look at why you keep failing. Are you making this too difficult? Being too restrictive? Too big of a calorie deficit?

    Keep it simple, have patience, remember it's about consistency not perfection and you can do it.
  • kwelsi
    kwelsi Posts: 6
    Wow, what a story! I have "tried" this several times and I finally started back up this week with intention to stick to it. Just after a week of eating 1200 calories a day and running every other day, I feel great. My cravings have dropped and I feel healthier and happier even though I'm pretty sure I've lost only a pound. 4 pounds is awesome, I bet you're happy :)

    Anyway, remember that there are plenty of "healthy" (mostly low calorie) foods that are delicious. I reccomend cooking. Last night I made home made applesauce, honey mustard chicken, and asparagus, all under 600 calories! It was so good, a huge step up from box meals!

    I am so sorry to hear about that incident, it's good that you are staying on your feet after such a tragedy. If I can do this, you can. Promise! Keep a positive outlook and keep going. Good luck to you :)
  • lillithfair4
    you got this!!!! :smiley: keep it up lady youre stronger than you think
  • CariJean64
    CariJean64 Posts: 297 Member
    I'm so sorry for your loss! Please continue your good efforts. You will reap the rewards!

    The only failure is quitting. Determine NOT to quit!

    I've quit hundreds of times before, usually because I was doing something too restrictive or because I wasn't getting results fast enough to suit me. I never lost more than 25-30 pounds. Then normal life would somehow get in the way.

    This time, I've stuck with it, and made it my NEW NORMAL. And I'm down 80 pounds so far this year. I've had hard moments, and a few hard days... but overall, it's been so much easier this time, because, again... NEW NORMAL.

  • katherines2230
    katherines2230 Posts: 276 Member
    Omg, you guys are freaking awesome! It IS much easier the 51st time around lol. I'm focusing on my nutrition and not being too restrictive on calories because for me that is the hardest part. I haven't even had the desire for a cheat meal and my week is almost over, normally as soon as a new week starts I'm planning that cheat meal which turns into a whole day or three!
  • Sweetvirgo63
    Sweetvirgo63 Posts: 119 Member
    I'm so sorry to read of your loss. Hang in there and you will reach your goal! Take it one day at a time and don't be too hard on yourself on bad days. We all have them. Keep chatting with us and we'll help you along.