New(ish) and looking for support :)

Hi :)

I have had a MFP account for a while but I'm finally looking to take control and get serious to improve my unhealthy relationship with food and lose some of this weight!

Over the past year my weight has fluctuated dramatically and I finally hit my goal weight this Summer...but I moved in with my mates and bf recently and he has been encouraging me to eat more and gain weight - unfortunately this lead me into an unhealthy eating cycle and has lead to too much weight gain and a lot of podgyness especially around my middle and thighs :/

Anyways Im a student and looking to improve my diet and get healthy and hopefully in the process lsoe those extra pounds weighing me down.
Im gluten-free vegetarian (on/off vegan but looking to try vegan again as I always feel more energetic with loads of fresh fruit and veg)

Would love to make new supportive friend here too :)

Drop me a message anytime



  • joelschneider45066
    joelschneider45066 Posts: 76 Member
    Welcome ! Best of luck in your journey. I just started about 100 days ago and have lost 31 lbs so far - feeling very motivated and happy with my progress so far. I log EVERY day!
  • Thanks hun!
    Wow that's amazing congratulations! I hope I can be as dedicated and motivated as you are!
    I hope getting back into the habit of logging EVERYTHING will get me back on track!
  • msalamun
    msalamun Posts: 116 Member
    Welcome back! Feel free to add me! Happy to give support whenever you need it. I'm sure you already know this, but the best way to improve you diet is to first log what you are currently eating so you can literally see what needs to be changed. And while I'm not a vegetarian, I sure do love my fruits and veggies, too! Good luck on your journey!
  • Christyhodson
    Christyhodson Posts: 10 Member
    Welcome back. This is my third go round as well... REALLY want to stick with it this time!! I can use the support as well:-)
  • josep92054 wrote: »
    Hi there and welcome to MFP, my name is Jose Padilla, I am a weight loss coach and I work for a company called Metabolic Research Center in Colorado Springs, CO. I have been working for Metabolic some time now, I was also a client too. I started my weight loss journey weighing in at 240 lbs and I have successfully reached a goal weight of 195 lbs and have kept it off coming up on 2 years now. I have great success with my clients and am offering to be able to help anyoone out, whether they may be out in a different state or not. I do have several mail order clients that I service around the country too, so if you are interested in losing weight naturally with store bought foods let me know. My email address is

    Thanks a lot! and wow that is an amazing achievement congrats!
    I am lucky enough to live in an area with a fresh market and health food stores and so getting my hands on the good stuff is easy just need to stick to the plan!

    best wishes
  • msalamun wrote: »
    Welcome back! Feel free to add me! Happy to give support whenever you need it. I'm sure you already know this, but the best way to improve you diet is to first log what you are currently eating so you can literally see what needs to be changed. And while I'm not a vegetarian, I sure do love my fruits and veggies, too! Good luck on your journey!

    Thanks a lot!
    I remember the last time I used a food diary log thing it really really helped, I became so aware of everything I was eating - I just need to get back into that habit!
    I have also started juicing a lot of fruit and veg to get more of all that goodness!
