Young, 18 year old girl on her second weight loss journey!

I'm Jaylee!
I have quite the story.

When I was 14 I developed a minor case of anorexia(by minor I mean I never got underweight.)
From the February 2013 to September 2013 I went from 163 to 105.

From September 2013 to June 2014
I maintained my weight of 105 pretty well with my range being 100-105.

By July 2014 I began to binge. And I mean binge.
I have been binging pretty much everyday since then and have gained up to 140 pounds from july2014- October 17 2014.

Now my goal is to get back down to a HEALTHY 110 pounds(I'm only 5'2) and to fight and eventually beat binge eating disorder! =)

I am really looking for some friends to support me!


  • forestwitch
    forestwitch Posts: 10 Member
    Jaylee, even if you were not underweight, losing weight by anorexia is not healthy. A person can be at their ideal weight range and still not be healthy. I know of women who are thin, but they live on cigarettes, diet coke, and coffee. But they have no energy, high blood pressure, and have terrible skin. Focus on eating healthy and getting enough exercise ... and the extra weight will come off and stay off. You are still very young and at the perfect age to begin healthy habits that can last throughout your life. Get involved in sports and read good books on nutrition. Two years ago I took an excellent class at my community college in Nutritional Sciences, I learned a lot of good information on how the body processes foods and what nutrients do for us. Best of luck to you!