Running and breathing - what's normal?

I've never ran before and attempting c25k. I get winded really fast and get nervous that it's asthma or something similar so I give up quickly. From those of you with experience running- what does it feel like? I always read people say running can hurt but am not sure what's hurting. Thanks for any insight!


  • liftnrunlikeagirl
    You are probably just running too fast. In c25k the run intervals should be very slow and your breathing rate should be such that you could carry on a conversation with a running partner. Try going slow - really slow! Running too fast is a common beginner error.
    Good luck!
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Almost certainly going too fast. Try to hold your pace to where you can speak in sentences. Not an entire conversation, but a sentence at a time.

  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    Almost certainly going too fast. Try to hold your pace to where you can speak in sentences. Not an entire conversation, but a sentence at a time.

    Yes, use the talk test.

    - Can you sing? Then you're going too slow.
    - Can you speak in complete sentences? If not, you're going too fast.