Hi, i'm new- just started with MyFitnessPal today

hwalter5022 Posts: 2
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
Hi, I'm Hope. I feel like i definitely need the accountability. i look back at last year and i realize how far i have come, and i'm proud of that, but it's a bit overwhelming to see how much further i have to go. But at least this time, i care about what i'm eating and i'm hoping the journaling of my foods will help keep me in line without becoming psychotic about it, b/c who wants to hang out with an obsessed "how many calories is this food" person? :) Hahahah.

Last year, i started and i' ve been walking/jogging in 5k, and completed in a 10 miler last weekend with my best time so far, and i entered to walk/jog in the mini-marathon here in Indy (13.1 miles). So i feel like i'm on the right track, just need the accountability without going over the edge.


  • Hey, I just started today as well and am looking forward to tracking my progress. I have always been an avid exerciser and eat healthy about 70-80% of the time. (I have a junk food binge once in a while) UGH! My goal is to do really good 90% of the time! We'll see how it goes.
  • estepteau
    estepteau Posts: 146
    Congrats on your success so far and welcome to MFP! its great!
  • raksha
    raksha Posts: 30
    Congrats and welcome!!! Feel free to add me.

  • Congrats! Add me if you would like. We all need encouragement!
  • madyncaden
    madyncaden Posts: 290 Member
    Your in the right place.. I have only been on here a week and I am so totally motivated!!! people in here are helpful and sincere. Your journey will be what you make it and it sound amazing so far. Get involved in your weight loss and it will work out great! Also it is ok to be that psycho calorie gilr once in a while, just try to check things before you go into a situation so you know what you are up against and dont become that psycho person all the time :happy: friend me if youd like to have some more motivation!!!
  • craftykelly
    craftykelly Posts: 15 Member
    Good for you! I have only been here since Monday and I am loving it so far! Very easy to use and I love seeing everyone's progress (including mine!). Keep up the good work!
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