What keeps you motivated?

How do you keep yourself going when you're tired or tempted with food?


  • h20islife
    h20islife Posts: 54 Member
    I keep myself motivated by always thinking about how im gonna feel in five minutes if i eat the food thats tempting me usaully i would do my best to convince myself not to eat it but some times i give in and i feel like crap so i remember that and next time im feeling tempted i dont eat it bc i know im not going to feel too good about it afterwards. Also i always try to think about my goals and remember that even when i mess up i just need to get up and keep trying bc one day i will get there.
  • TrainerLB
    TrainerLB Posts: 42 Member
    My partner who is amazing and supportive. And looking back on how far I've come. Sometimes seeing where I used to be in terms of physique and fitness level, really motivates me to keep going forward so I don't go backwards.
  • LumberJacck
    LumberJacck Posts: 559 Member
    I'm doing low carb. One of the issues when doing low carb is that if you eat too many carbs, your weight increases by quite a bit (it's only water though). I'm trying to break my previous losing weight every week streak (18 weeks) and if I eat too many carbs within about 80 hours before the weigh-in, I'll gain that week, which will rather disappointing for me. This means I'll have to have a Christmas day eat up on Dec 27th since I do my weigh-in on Saturdays.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    When I am tired I go to bed. When I have had enough food, I dont eat.......
  • Sweetvirgo63
    Sweetvirgo63 Posts: 119 Member
    Food isn't something that tempts me. If I want to eat a specific something, I eat it. One thing I learned a long time ago is to not put myself in a prison of food by saying I can't eat this or that. Once I started to permit all foods in my life, I easily found myself not wanting them to eat them.

    If I'm tired, I try to figure out the reason [depending on the hour of the day]. It could be related to partial dehydration, not enough sleep or food, or blood sugar crash and I deal with it as I need to.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    I keep me motivated. Wanting to be stronger and healthier keeps me motivated.
  • astrose00
    astrose00 Posts: 754 Member
    I want to be fit and looking great more than I could want any kind of food. And besides, I have had plenty of those things already. That's why I'm in my current predicament. Even when I'm tired if I start working out I get a burst of energy. The feeling after a day of clean eating and having great workouts is a real high. It's totally mental. I refuse to let food rule over me.
  • 50sFit
    50sFit Posts: 712 Member
    JamieZ0503 wrote: »
    How do you keep yourself going when you're tired or tempted with food?
    I hate myself fat more than I love pigging out on food.
    With me, it's just that simple.

  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    I made a deal with myself. Every time I am tempted to go to the kitchen, instead I will walk up and down the stairs 10 times. By the time I am done the urge usually passes. Added bonus is more staircases on my fit bit and added steps for the day.

    Another thing that helps me is coming to MFP and reading the success stories. Very motivational and inspirational.
  • nursiekins34
    nursiekins34 Posts: 10 Member
    I have an accountability group that I report to daily or multiple times a day. They help keep me on track and remind me of my goals and our goals as a group.
  • FitOldMomma
    FitOldMomma Posts: 790 Member
    Logging on here a few times a day really keeps me motivated.
  • MissBlunts420
    MissBlunts420 Posts: 63 Member
    What keeps me motivated is the realization that I've let a perfectly good and able body go to waste for so long. I refuse to take my body for granted or treat myself badly anymore.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    registering for races keeps me motivated
  • hannah6109
    Something that really motivates me is to able to reach a certain fitness level.
    To be able to attain that energy...that keeps you feeling so young.
    To feel healthier, more flexible and to boost your confidence levels in your own body.
    And to be able to know that the community in MFP is there to support you
    and are even going through exactly the same process
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    Mirrors and pizza....ok, aside from that, having reversed my type II diabetes, no longer needing meds for that and other stuff like high blood pressure. Also getting fitter and stronger from where I was 2 years ago and pushing myself to see how far I can go....but mostly mirrors and pizza.
  • SarahJohnson1234
    SarahJohnson1234 Posts: 23 Member
    I bought a food diary to help me log foods. I've tried a few diaries and found an easy one to use 'food diary and exercise log by dr Joseph Reece'. The calorie counting diaries was a bit tricky to work out when being out and about so I used this one to quickly log foods. It has motivational quotes at the top of each page which is fun and keeps you going But everyone has different uses :)

    I find it helps me keep ontop of foods and I highlight junk food so I can flick through to see what I have eaten that's bad. The less highlighter I see, the better :)

    Good luck!!!!