Starting over

So I've been struggling to get back on the bandwagon - I have all of the excuses in place - I moved from the north to the south, I sent my baby off to college 6 hours away, new job, new home, yada yada. Now it's time to kick my own *kitten* for a bit - last night I pulled up some old photos - the BEFORE photos, if you will. Before falling off of the wagon, I had lost 34 pounds and was 4 pounds from my goal. FOUR POUNDS. Then life and stress and crap got the best of me and I failed. And then failed again. And again. Then it was "ahh to hell with the diet" - leading to a 7 pound weight gain over the past 2 months. Now, in the grand scheme of things, 7 pounds doesn't sound like that much...but I was SO close...and if I continue down the 7 pounds in two months, where does that put me? Grrrrr. So I pulled out those photos - compared them to the shots of a few months ago (four pounds from goal) and had a heart-to-heart with myself. Which ME do I prefer? I was healthier and happier with myself - that's the ME that I want. So doggone it...I'm getting back on that wagon if it takes every ounce of strength I have to chase it down!!! Wish me luck!!!


  • LadyFaile

    I recently returned to MFP after realizing that what I was doing simply wasn't working to help me actually lose the extra weight I've put on. There are a number of factors that have likely contributed to my weight gain, but in the end none of that matters. What matters is getting serious about being mindful of what I'm eating and pushing myself to be more active. To that end I've also bought an activity and sleep monitor, and I'm finding the information that it provides very helpful in providing extra motivation.

    You're a LOT closer to your goal than I am, but hopefully we can both make it to our goals with determination and mindfulness.
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Coming back myself. It's been a stressful year and may even get worse. Trying to keep my sense of humour, my empathy, my focus. I realize that the best thing I can do now is to take care of my health and be in charge. We all pick our attitudes every day. Today I choose to work towards my goal. Sounds like you are making this happen for yourself, great job.
  • SarahJohnson1234
    SarahJohnson1234 Posts: 23 Member
    I know the feeling

    I bought a food diary to help me log foods. I've tried a few diaries and found an easy one to use 'food diary and exercise log by dr Joseph Reece'. The calorie counting diaries was a bit tricky to work out when being out and about so I used this one to quickly log foods. It has motivational quotes at the top of each page which is fun and keeps you going But everyone has different uses :)

    I find it helps me keep ontop of foods and I highlight junk food so I can flick through to see what I have eaten that's bad. The less highlighter I see, the better :)

    Good luck!!!!
  • tlnurse
    tlnurse Posts: 229 Member
    I'm with you sister. I fell off the wagon as well. And NOT recording a daily diary and food intake in MFP is a lot of it for me. I am actually up 25 lbs from last year. Just restarting today and restarted working out with friends from work this week as well. Good luck to you and everyone here....1 day at a time!!! :D
  • la8ydi
    la8ydi Posts: 294 Member
    Thanks everyone!!! Good luck to you all as well! One day at a time!