MFPers who have seen Fat Head

What did you think of it?

I enjoyed it and learned a couple things that I'll definitely be using in my eating habits. For instance, my carbs are usually around 120-140 grams per day, but from now on I'm going to make a strong effort to keep it at 100 and under. Also, I'm going to watch my sugar intake much more intently.

What are your thoughts after having seen this movie?

Edit: And before anyone thinks I'm promoting eating fast food everyday, I'm not at all and will keep my habit to a maximum of fast food once every week or two. There was muuchhhhh more to this movie/doc than eating fast food and losing weight.


  • CookieCatCatcher
    CookieCatCatcher Posts: 324 Member
    Science PROVES you CANNOT live a healthy happy life by eating like that. For 30 days, you can lose weight eating just about anything - the Atkins diet for example. However, you eat that way for long enough and you will end up with massive cardiovascular damage. And, the second you come off any diet like that, expect to gain every single ounce plus more right back.
  • Fat2FitChick
    Fat2FitChick Posts: 451 Member
    Because of that movie I have cut my carbs to 100g per day while watching my sodium & sugar intake and have seen my weight loss go steadily at 1.5 -2 lbs a week. It works for me because I have always thought that we didn't need as much "whole grains" as they say we do. Yes it is good but not in the amounts they say it's needed.

    Now the fast food part of it, was extreme and he did it to prove a point and he stated that you can't live on a diet like that for very long but it proved his point and that was what he set out to do. I won't go and eat fast food like that but the basis of the movie is what I have been going by as far as lower my carb intake etc... is what is working for me.
  • KeyMasterOfGozer
    KeyMasterOfGozer Posts: 229 Member
    You have to be careful watching a film like this as the film maker has an obvious agenda, so he is going to pick facts and stats that support his idea, and ignore facts and stats that go against him.

    That said, I thought it was a great doc. I loved it, and I also try to stay under 120g of carb a day. Do beware, though, that some sugar is necessary, as your brain cells have no mechanism for using fat as an energy source.

    I really like Morgan Spurlock as well, and I really liked Supersize Me, but it was obvious that his agenda was set, and he was unscientifically stacking the deck to get the results he wanted. I think it was fair for him to get called out for that. That said, as long as you see that and don't treat his results as facts, Supersize Me was still very entertaining, and had lots of good info as well.
  • KeyMasterOfGozer
    KeyMasterOfGozer Posts: 229 Member
    Science PROVES you CANNOT live a healthy happy life by eating like that.
    That's a BOLD statement.
  • Fat2FitChick
    Fat2FitChick Posts: 451 Member
    Science doesn't determine who is happy or why they are happy in life. There are people who don't have the healthiest lives and are still happy. It's always based on the individual and what makes them happy.
    Science PROVES you CANNOT live a healthy happy life by eating like that.
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    Because of that movie I have cut my carbs to 100g per day while watching my sodium & sugar intake and have seen my weight loss go steadily at 1.5 -2 lbs a week. It works for me because I have always thought that we didn't need as much "whole grains" as they say we do. Yes it is good but not in the amounts they say it's needed.

    Now the fast food part of it, was extreme and he did it to prove a point and he stated that you can't live on a diet like that for very long but it proved his point and that was what he set out to do. I won't go and eat fast food like that but the basis of the movie is what I have been going by as far as lower my carb intake etc... is what is working for me.

    That is awesome! Yeah, I'm gonna do the 100 gram carb thing for awhile and see if I can notice a difference in how much I lose compared to now. I'm so excited!
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    Science PROVES you CANNOT live a healthy happy life by eating like that. For 30 days, you can lose weight eating just about anything - the Atkins diet for example. However, you eat that way for long enough and you will end up with massive cardiovascular damage. And, the second you come off any diet like that, expect to gain every single ounce plus more right back.

    Umm, what exactly are you talking about in reference to the movie? You didn't give me any specifics as to what you're dispelling? Surely, it's not the fast food aspect as I've already covered that in my OP.
  • TammyK777
    TammyK777 Posts: 230 Member
    I enjoyed the film and liked the balance it brought to the 'other one', noting that both documentaries were extremes. I hadn't watched my carbs too much before the film, now I'm working on keeping it under 200. once I conquer that, I'll step down slowly to 100.