Advice please!!

My name is Laura and I currently weigh 272lbs and I am 5'8". Around this time last year I had lost 38 pounds mainly through dieting, but since then I've picked up old eating habits and gained it all back. I now have health problems and need to lose 100 lbs permanently but find myself intimidated and discouraged by such a huge goal. I want and need to do this NATURALLY so I was wondering if anyone could give me advice on what worked for them and how they made a lifestyle change for the long term a realistic and attainable goal. I'm also very worried about excess skin from losing a bunch of weight. Is there any wayto minimize this?


  • sophieecooke97
    aim smaller, for example a couple of pounds a week, if you set a large overall goal and youre losing weight quite slowly and not very noticeably then you are more likely to feel like you have failed and will give in. you can get creams that help with excess skin too :)
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,222 MFP Moderator
    aim smaller, for example a couple of pounds a week, if you set a large overall goal and youre losing weight quite slowly and not very noticeably then you are more likely to feel like you have failed and will give in. you can get creams that help with excess skin too :)

    This. Aim for a 10 pound loss. When you hit it, celebrate your accomplishment. That's what worked for me. As for keeping hte weight off - I'm at maintenance and still logging. If I'm not paying attention to what and how much I'm eating, its really really easy to slip back into old habits without even realizing it. I don't ever intend to gain the weight back, so I'll likely be logging for life... Or until I've managed to hardwire not over-eating into my brain. Whichever. :flowerforyou:

  • beanstarr
    beanstarr Posts: 4 Member
    im doing my weightloss 10 pounds at a time...i need to lose 100 too...exercise will tighten skin
  • sodakat
    sodakat Posts: 1,126 Member
    What got me started was 'letting' myself have small amounts of foods I wasn't ready to give up, as long as I knew I would be satisfied just having a small amount, like coffee creamer and sugar in my cereal.

    With stuff that I knew I was likely to overdo it and go beyond the single serving size such as chips, I found an alternative that I didn't like as much; for example flaming hot Cheetos, then weighed out a single portion -- often I could barely eat the single portion because they are in fact kind of hot. No worry about eating the entire bag of that snack item.

    Certain things I just decided to wait on, knowing I could have it if I wanted but since the calorie count was high, maybe I would not have it too often; an example of this would be bagels. My point with this was I wanted to "spend" my calories on things that would fill me up and make it less likely for me to go over my daily deficit.

    I hope you have a food scale because guessing a serving size just doesn't work.

    Best of luck to you!!!

  • liannone1090
    Thank you all!!!