Les Mills Combat vs. PiYo-Difference anyone?

I have looked at the two workouts (les mills combat) and piyo - has anyone tried both/either?

I have turbo fire (Loved Turbo jam 20 min & fat blaster workouts, but struggle with Turbo fire, not as crazy about it)...

but I do love the kickboxing style workouts.

NOT into yoga or pilates in general (too slow for me) - however, just wondering which of these two would be better?

I'm getting back into working out, planning a trip for our 25th anniversary next year and figure I better get my butt back into shape starting now lol. (I have about 70 pounds I want to remove from my body permanently).


Note, I can do most of the workouts, but I have to do modifier - no jumping for me. (Sprained both ankles 4 yrs ago and still have issues, so I just modify without jumping).

And please PLEASE don't suggest P90 or P90x - HATED them with a PASSION. (My hubby actually told me I turned very miserable the month I stuck to p90x).

I have Zumba as well (both exhilerate and the new results one)

Guess I'm looking for a mix/up to keep me interested?


  • suzaka
    suzaka Posts: 39 Member
    Body Combat doesn't have a lot of jumping, especially compared to Body Attack. I personally enjoy body combat. Not sure about piyo, the gym I go to doesn't offer it.
  • endlessloser
    endlessloser Posts: 106 Member
    Thanks - yeah PiYo is new, apparently a mix up of pilates and yoga but supposed to be not so boring. (Not sure).

    I was leaning to combat - I do like kickboxing type stuff.
  • mamma1st
    mamma1st Posts: 13 Member
    I actually did my first Les Mills Combat workout yesterday. I haven't done anything fitness wise since November, so not sure how much it will mean to you, lol. Prior to falling off the fitness wagon I had done Chalean Extreme (my favorite), P90X (the only workout in that program that I enjoy is Kenpo X) and I also have Turbo Fire (which I don't like...I'm choreographically challenged, and I just couldn't figure out what Chalene was doing most of the time).

    I've only done one Combat workout so far, Combat 30 Kick Start. I watched the instructional video first which was very helpful. Combat 30 reminded me a lot of Kenpo X with more choreography, but not nearly as much as Turbo Fire has. The 30 minutes flew by for me. I didn't wear my heart rate monitor so I have no idea how many calories I burned but I felt worked out when I finished. And since I hadn't done anything in 7 months, I am pretty sore today, especially in my back (I guess from all the punches).
  • ItsSlimpossible12
    ItsSlimpossible12 Posts: 127 Member
    Les Mills Combat is amazing. It was my first workout "routine" and it succeeded in keeping me on track and working me hard. I don't remember the exact numbers as I did it last year, but I'm pretty sure I lost about 20 lbs and TONS of inches. I have also done TurboFire, I personally loved it but grew up doing dance routines constantly. I can see how it would be hard to get into if you weren't a big routine person. I highly, HIGHLY, recommend Les Mills Combat. I haven't tried PiYo but I really can't stand yoga so I don't see how I could possibly like it. I am currently doing T25. I need that intensity, I think.

    But I am certain you won't regret staring Combat.
  • kikicooks
    kikicooks Posts: 1,079 Member
    PiYo and Combat are completely different programs. If you hate yoga you'd probably not want to get it. I never really liked yoga but I feel its something my body could really benefit from so I'm trying PiYo. So far I like it. Actually a hybrid of the 2 would probably be great, Combat cardio workouts are fun! I'm always mixing up what workouts I do. Just do what gets you moving!
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    They're completely different. But neither is really a "complete" program. Neither one combines the balance of cardio and strength training to be able to cover all your bases from a fitness point of view.
  • Yakelmeyer
    Yakelmeyer Posts: 49 Member
    I have been doing Body Combat religiously for about 3 months; I absolutely love it. I have been doing yoga for about 2 years and Pilates for about 9 months. If you were to choose between yoga and Pilates, I recommend Pilates. Although it is a slower workout, it is more intensive core work than yoga and after about 30 sessions (I do 2 each week), you will notice incredible results. Pair that with Combat and you have a recipe for success with an appropriate diet.

    I also enjoy Zumba. You may consider Body Pump for a low impact effective workout.
  • Recreateyourself017
    Recreateyourself017 Posts: 23 Member
    You really can't go wrong with Les Mills Combat. A few of the workouts have jumps in them, and I would say there's quite a bit of impact if you go all out and do all the advanced moves, but there is a modifier shown to take away all that impact. I did Combat on and off for about 8 months, and added in Les Mills Pump for the last 3 to add more strength training. Combat is a lot of fun and the trainers are great and love what they do (not overly peppy and cheesy). This is one I will probably always keep coming back to.

    I just started Piyo for more flexibility and basically to replace combat for a while (still doing Pump). If you don't like Yoga it might not be your thing, depending on WHY you don't like yoga. In Piyo, you don't hold any of the moves, it goes between different moves constantly. It does have a lot of traditional yoga poses though like forward bends, down dog, warrior poses, etc.

    If you're looking for a cardio/weight loss workout, go with Combat. If you want improved flexibility with a little more cardio action than a traditional yoga workout, go with Piyo. Or do both, if you can!
  • rjdunn87
    rjdunn87 Posts: 385 Member
    A lot of people really love Les Mills, and if you like the kickboxing style workouts, it seems like that might be the way to go! I'm currently doing PiYo and I LOVE it. I also hated yoga and pilates but this is nowhere near as boring, as you say. It's fast paced and I sweat like crazy. But if you know what you like and what you're more likely to stick to, I'd go with that! :)
  • endlessloser
    endlessloser Posts: 106 Member
    Thanks everyone!

    Re: TurboFire - I'm not really usually unable to do the moves (never had a problem dancing at all and I'm good with coordination), but I did find it confusing with some of the steps. (My daughter absolutely detested it, at least the fire workouts).

    So I went ahead and decided to get both - Les Mills Combat AND PiYo.

    Yes, I will likely do both.

    I love kickboxing type stuff, so combat really did appeal to me.

    And the more I watched some of the interviews about Piyo on youtube (and watched some example workouts) - I think I could be okay with it.

    Pilates - honestly I nearly fell asleep doing windsor pilates once it was soooooo boring.
    Yoga - I liked the stretches, but never did any major workouts with it, but wasn't crazy about those body twisting poses that I know I'd never be able to do. (Not THAT flexible LOL).

    But I liked Chalene's philosophy on it - same as her, I know my body could use the stretching/flexibility side, but not the long holds and ankles over shoulder kind of things.

    From the youtube videos, they look like there's more movement, not so long holds, so I'm willing to give it a shot.

    Oh - and yes, I have les mills pump too - didn't have room to do it when I got it so it tucked away, but yes, I do plan on doing it or Chalene Extreme for strength. I wanted to get some cardio going first.

    Glad you guys said I could do both lol - I had just said to my daughter (who is 18) today, that we could possibly do both. She's a beanpole, has her dad's metabolism (so depressing - but great for her) - but she wants to tone, and she too loved both concepts.

    So we'll see!

    I love hearing results from you guys - so anyone who has tried either, definitely feel free to post your thoughts/results!

    Paid for faster shipping, so hopefully it'll reach me within a week. (I'm in Canada).
  • I do a hybrid of the 2 programs and I love the results I am seeing. The Combat gives me a great cardio workout and I am dripping buckets when I am finished. There are some strength workouts, like the HIIT and upper and lower workouts with Combat, but I rely on PIYO more for my strength. I am able to do WAY more triceps pushups than I was able before I started and I can really see definition in my legs and abs. I combine the shorter PIYO workouts with Combat workouts. For example, I will do Combat 30 with Define Lower in the same day. I do the longer, more complete PIYO workouts (like Drench and Sweat) on their own.
  • endlessloser
    endlessloser Posts: 106 Member
    I do a hybrid of the 2 programs and I love the results I am seeing. The Combat gives me a great cardio workout and I am dripping buckets when I am finished. There are some strength workouts, like the HIIT and upper and lower workouts with Combat, but I rely on PIYO more for my strength. I am able to do WAY more triceps pushups than I was able before I started and I can really see definition in my legs and abs. I combine the shorter PIYO workouts with Combat workouts. For example, I will do Combat 30 with Define Lower in the same day. I do the longer, more complete PIYO workouts (like Drench and Sweat) on their own.

    Thanks! That's what I've started doing :) (JUST started though)
  • Scrattycat
    Scrattycat Posts: 7 Member
    I am deciding between these 2 workouts and have your exact concerns. How are you making out with the 2 programs?
  • aschroeder2749
    aschroeder2749 Posts: 172 Member
    Bought PiYo a few weeks ago, tried two workouts, and couldn't stand it. Sold it. I just ordered Les Mills' Pump, tried it today, and I like it so far. I'm more concerned about flab than the number on the scale - so I think weights need to be priority for me. I love Chalene Johnson, just don't like the PiYo concept/workout.
  • I have Piyo and love it.I had never done yoga or pilates before, they seemed to slow and boring to me. I liked the tempo of Piyo, I was amazed at the cardio workout I got and calorie burn. I also liked not beating myself up with high impact workouts. I just ordered Les Mills Combat.
  • endlessloser
    endlessloser Posts: 106 Member
    Haven't been as diligent as I wanted to be (life has been crazybusy) - I really struggle getting into Piyo, no matter how much I wanted to. I sooo prefer Combat.

    I was working up a new schedule last night around my days to try to be more consistent, and will be doing a les mills combat and les mills pump hybrid, with piyo just 2x a week for some stretch.

    My daughter loves piyo... I just can't get into it after all.
  • I just started Combat two weeks ago, absolutely love it. I have Piyo too and as much as I loved Turbo and Chalene, I just couldn't get into Piyo the way I wanted to. I think I may combine both Combat and Piyo during my second round of Combat though.