Whats my excuse? (C25K)

I have been making mine for about a week now, I need some motivation to start this! I just keep coming up with reasons not to! I work late, its dark by the time I get home, I tried it already and failed, and it hurt so bad I couldn't walk up and down stairs, I am not sure I can sustain it. I am worried about losing weight too quickly and end up losing muscle because I haven't found a strength exercise I like...

I think I need a little "real talk"


  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    edited October 2014
    Don't listen to yourself. Ignore the excuses, lace up those shoes and get out there. You can do this.
    If you couldn't sustain the run sessions the last time you tried, you were running too fast. No matter how slow it feels to you, slow down. You will feel as if you're not running but you are. A simple test is to speak a short sentence out loud while running. If you can't or you have to pant it out, you're running too fast....slow down.
    You'll feel your muscles the next day but you shouldn't have difficulties using the stairs. You will be a bit stiff, though. That will go away really quickly.
    If it's too dark out, do you have access to a treadmill?

    You can do this. Take it slow. The last thing on your mind should be your speed. The idea is just to make it through the run sessions. If you do that, you're a success. And you can do that by slowing down.
  • JodieP13
    JodieP13 Posts: 94 Member
    PaytraB wrote: »
    Don't listen to yourself. Ignore the excuses, lace up those shoes and get out there. You can do this.
    If you couldn't sustain the run sessions the last time you tried, you were running too fast. No matter how slow it feels to you, slow down. You will feel as if you're not running but you are. A simple test is to speak a short sentence out loud while running. If you can't or you have to pant it out, you're running too fast....slow down.
    You'll feel your muscles the next day but you shouldn't have difficulties using the stairs. You will be a bit stiff, though. That will go away really quickly.
    If it's too dark out, do you have access to a treadmill?

    You can do this. Take it slow. The last thing on your mind should be your speed. The idea is just to make it through the run sessions. If you do that, you're a success. And you can do that by slowing down.

    Great advice here! I FINALLY realized that running and sprinting are NOT the same thing! Slow it down!
  • username301
    username301 Posts: 247 Member
    If you are worried about failing why don't you set yourself your own targets rather than c25k?

    I started off jogging/ walk intervals of 1min/1min and did that 3 times in a week. Then every week adding 1 extra minute of jogging and each month adding an extra km to my total distance. I did that for several weeks before starting to feel a little bit morer positive and increasing my jogging interval more quickly.

    You have all the time in the world to be a runner, so it doesn't matter how long it takes you get there. You just have to keep travelling in the right direction.
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    I finished C25K last summer. It is so easy to talk yourself out of it but if you follow the program, you will amaze yourself. I was 40 pounds heavier and I had always sucked at running. I sucked it up and followed the program and finished on schedule. Set a date you want to complete it by. Maybe even sign up for a race ( fun run so maybe the pressure is not there like a timed one). Do not be afraid to repeat a week if you need to.

    I totally agree with pacing yourself. Just go at it slowly. Get a good pair of shoes to make sure that is not the reason you are achy.

  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Get a good pair of shoes to make sure that is not the reason you are achy.

    Excellent point! I forgot about shoes. The wrong shoe will cause your legs to ache and your feet to hurt.
    If you can, take an old pair of runners to a Running Store. They'll see by the wear what shoe would be best for you.
    The right shoe makes a world of difference.

  • emmahouli
    emmahouli Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you so much!
  • louiseg3000
    louiseg3000 Posts: 4 Member
    I have just started C25k again today :) I did it about 3 years ago and completed it, but then stopped (I moved to a hotter climate, totally different ball game!). I had to de-cobweb my trainers this morning :/ I completely agree with pacing yourself. Only way to do it.

    Best of luck with it :) Have a look and see what different running routes you can take as well. I personally hate treadmills because I don't feel like I get anywhere - but that's just personal preference (and also a bit of a deal breaker when the weather gets bad haha)

    What's great about it is that it's only 30 mins. It's a set time, and you really feel a sense of achievement as you move through the weeks. Try and plan a specific time for it and stick to it. I plan to do Mon, Weds and Fri and then take weekends off.

    Is there a group on here for people that are doing C25k?

    Good luck!

  • Mojangly
    Mojangly Posts: 4 Member
    I'm just starting week 7, and I've learned it's all about pace, pace, and pace.

    Some days I tried to go a bit faster feeling a little too confident, and ended up sore and achy. But after slowing down just a little, I actually really enjoyed the runs and felt refreshed, and even more confident I can complete it.

    Just ran my first 25mins solid, and it was fun, but I had to concentrate on keeping a slow steady pace.

    Good luck!