MY calorie deficit!! Help please :)

Hiiiii everyone. Sorry I know people probably get annoyed of this but I feel like I've been searching for the answer for days and just can't seem to grasp it, so I'm going to do what all i can find others do.... and ASK someone who will get it and break it down for me :) Okay, so I'm just under 5'3, 20 years old, and go to the gym 6-7 days. Always do cardio and probably 3 days on certain weights.... I seem to fluctuate weight between 120-125 (I've been having problems with binging). Now I'm confused with my NET calories vs TOTAL calories, because on days that say I burn 300 + calories, at the end of the day ive eaten (in TOTAL) 1500 calories! So hopefully I'm not being too confusing for anyone, but I'm just wondering what my calorie deficit is. I'm trying to eat 1200 calories but for the "deficit" to happen should i be focusing on eating 1200 calories TOTAL or go by 1200 calories NET? So like i said before bringing my TOTAL calorie for the day up too say 1500. Please just answer the basic question and not tell me otherwise, I just want to know so I'm not overeating because I have not budged my weight for what seems like ever. I also eat mass amounts of vegetables a day, plus 3 types of berries (fresh), and protein and i take multivitamins. Two months ago I had a free consultation at the gym i go too with one of the personal trainers and wanted to have one of those "pinch" tests done to see my percentage of fat.... I was 28.(something) %...... Said i was one of those "skinny fat" girls.... So i'd really like some input on what my Calorie deficit is so I know if I've been doing it wrong! I just want to lower my % and tone up but its not happening!! Thank yooouu :)


  • Jillk1023
    Jillk1023 Posts: 121 Member
    intresting gonna bump so i can read responses.. thanks for asking the question!
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    You set up your MFP account to lose x amount of pounds per week. This means the calories they give you should get you to that goal without doing exercise. In other words, your deficit is already built in. When you exercise, it adds back your calories because if not your deficit will be even bigger. Your NET needs to be 1200.
  • NicolCook
    NicolCook Posts: 489 Member
    MFP figures a deficit for you. You should be eating 1200 net calories/day.
  • nab22
    nab22 Posts: 168
    The MFP way of doing things is to have you eat back your exercise calories. Your net at the end of the day should be as close to 0 as possible. Other programs/people may tell you different things, but this is how MFP does it.

    Some people may net 0 every day and not lose weight, but its hard to know where the problem is coming from because MFP's calories burned estimate may be off, or if you're not weighing your food your inputs may be off, or etc.
  • niicolee254
    woah. still SO confused!!! My Net should be 0? But say like right now ive eatin 265 calories (and have not yet gone to the gym) So it says i still have 935 cals left.... which that number will go up after the gym - bringing my NET calories up to 1200 by the end of the day... are you saying NET should be 0 if i was to factor in my BMR or?
  • niicolee254
    I also use a heart rate monitor when i work out to clock calories burned
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    woah. still SO confused!!! My Net should be 0? But say like right now ive eatin 265 calories (and have not yet gone to the gym) So it says i still have 935 cals left.... which that number will go up after the gym - bringing my NET calories up to 1200 by the end of the day... are you saying NET should be 0 if i was to factor in my BMR or?
    No. The other poster means your "calories left" should be at or as close to 0 as you can by the end of the day. If you have 935 left for the day, but go burn 300 at the gym, then your calories left will be at 1235. You need to eat those 1235 to get your NET to 1200 and your total cals left to 0. Basically, just look at the "cals left" on your home page and eat til you get to those down to as close to 0 as you can :)

    ps- My name is Nicole too!
  • niicolee254
    sorry one more thing! I just checked my settings (i usually use the MFP app) and when i went into my settings I chose the number of calories consumed, it didnt seem to effect which X amount of pounds i wanted to lose per week either? Ughh this is frustrating!
  • niicolee254
    Thanks ladybug1620... sorry if I'm seeming quiet stupid! (I feel it) lol :(
  • Ottenbreit1
    your calorie intake all depends on what your goal is!
  • girlruns
    girlruns Posts: 344
    No, net should be 1200-you have it right. I think they meant you should have the bottom number on your food diary (remaining calories) should be as close to zero as possible. You are doing it right.

    However, at 5'3" and 120-125 you are already at a very healthy weight. How much are you trying to lose? It will probably be very slow, and you can help the 'skinny fat' but working out and building muscle. You could lose 10 pounds and still have 28% body fat.
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    Thanks ladybug1620... sorry if I'm seeming quiet stupid! (I feel it) lol :(
    It's okay, we've all been there!

    For your other question...MFP won't let you go below 1200 calories per day. So if your goal weight loss per week requires you to go below that, MFP will adjust your goal until you get to 1200 calories per day. For example, if I had selected to lose 2 lb per week, but doing so would require me to go to 1100 calories per day. So MFP will push up your calories to 1200 per day instead of 1100, which will cause your goal to change to 1.8 lbs per week instead of 2 lbs per week. (this is just a random example to show you how it works so don't worry if it doesn't match your scenarios or whatever). That might be why your goal isn't changing.

    As for WHY it won't let you go below 1200 per day...if you browse the boards you will see questions on this a lot. The basic thought is that your body needs 1200 calories per day to stay out of "starvation mode." If you go into starvation mode, your body will hold onto fat because it thinks food is scarce, and this could cause you to not lose weight. So basically, eat up and make sure your net is 1200. It's hard, I know...I struggle with it most days too!
  • niicolee254
    Thank you Nicole! and everyone for responding!!!! So basically if i burn 600 calories and at the end of the day my total calorie intake is at 1800, but net is at 1200... i shouldn't let myself go into panic mode :embarassed: I will still successfully lose weight? And I don't really have a "goal" weight... I just feel flabby in areas (stomach, but, thighs LOL) and want to lose it!