The Ultimate Weight Loss Calculator - NEW & IMPROVED!!

Hey everyone! I'm an amateur programmer and I made a weight-loss calculator that calculates all kinds of things. A few weeks ago I posted it on MFP and you guys were all incredibly helpful, helping me to fix bugs and suggesting features.

Well, here's the new and improved version!
Weight Loss Calculator

Based on input from the community here, the calculator now includes:
  • A metric version!!
  • Frame size modifier (which has proved a bit controversial - love to hear your thoughts. This adjusts your BMI results by +/- 10% based on your frame size.)
  • How to choose your frame size info page.
  • A button to save or print the weight loss calculator results
  • Extended 7 day zig-zag calculator
  • ideal weight range for your height rather than a fixed number
  • A function that will enable you to put in a goal weight (or your desired weight loss in lbs) and your intended daily calorie intake, show you how many days it will take to reach your goal
  • Detailed descriptions of the activity level options, to make it clearer what category (sedentary, lightly active, etc etc) you best fit in.
  • A 'clear' button to delete all input to start over.

Plus all the usual stuff like BMI, BMR, TDEE, Weight Loss Predictor etc etc.

As before, I would love your feedback. If you find this calculator to be a helpful tool, please share it!


  • thinkpositive92
    thinkpositive92 Posts: 111 Member
    edited October 2014
    Awesome! I was a huge fan of your previous version! Cannot wait to try this out :D and THANK YOU SO MUCH!