Losing one pound a week possible?

I am 5'2, 41 years old. I am active with all my jobs but don't really exercise. I feel like when I only eat 1200 calories a day I am STARVING. :neutral_face:
Not trying to do any crazy fad "diet", just woild like to lose a pound or two a week. I currently weigh 152. I would be happier in the 130's :smile:
Suggestions? Thoughts?


  • Tiamo719
    Tiamo719 Posts: 256 Member
    1200 calories a day is definitely not enough. I think you can definitely eat 1400-1500 a day and lose a pound a week. Try it :)
  • Elizabethgulick93
    Elizabethgulick93 Posts: 46 Member
    What exactly are you eating? If you eat fruits and veggies every day, then you will feel a lot fuller faster. Losing a pound a week is very attainable! I have been on here 81 days, and I have lost about a pound and a half a week. Granted, I weigh a lot more than you. But depending on your height, you may already be at a healthy weight.
  • shadowjack1965
    shadowjack1965 Posts: 107 Member
    It is most definitely possible. I just hit 60 lbs in four months so that was about 15 lbs per month. You can definitely do this and I like the advice of the fruits and veggies. Also ensure you drink your water, at least four 16 oz bottles per day. That will help keep you full which is a benefit.
  • Ainesilver
    Ainesilver Posts: 72 Member
    edited October 2014
    By looking at your diary,the thing I noticed was that there was not any adjustment for exercise. If you are active through your work, then you are burning calories that you could be eating. The goal, if you wish to stay at the 1200 mark, is 1200 net calories. So that is calories eaten - exercise calories = 1200 net calories for your goal. More exercise equals more calories to eat. Get yourself a tracker so you will know how many extra calories you can eat.

    Second, you might want to start more slowly, and give your stomach a bit of time to adjust to smaller portions or try some eating larger portions of some low calorie vegetables.

    If you only have 20 pounds left to lose, doing that in two months is going to difficult. Maybe start with a smaller goal first?
  • vespiquenn
    vespiquenn Posts: 1,455 Member
    It is possible, but aggressive. With only about 20lbs to go, you are more likely to hold onto a lifestyle change if it is closer to .5lb-1lb loss per week. You're body is going to hold onto weight with only a small bit to go, so definitely up your calories and see how it goes. 1200 calories, although doable, is very low and hard to maintain in the long run, as you are already expressing.
  • cranberrytape
    cranberrytape Posts: 29 Member
    edited October 2014
    For a short woman at your age and weight, it will be more difficult. What does MFP say your maintenance is? You can find this on your goals page under "your diet profile" as "calories burned from daily activity."
  • hortensehildegarde
    hortensehildegarde Posts: 592 Member
    Well, you can find a calorie deficit that you will actually stick to and lose the weight over time even if some weeks you only lose .5 lb or nothing, or you can try to stick to something that is not feasible for you and probably keep on giving up because it is too hard.

    Why don't you try setting MFP to .5 loss per week just for a couple weeks and see how you feel about the amount of food you get to eat there. Perhaps give yourself a gradual time to learn which foods keep you the most full for the least calories.

    Then, once you find .5 per week to be easy, go up to 1 and see what happens.

    You don't want to be starving though that's just torture and there is no reason for it if you can spare a little patience.

    2 lb per week is pretty much crazy fad diet territory when one only has 20 lbs to lose.
  • pugsleyjean
    pugsleyjean Posts: 135 Member
    I'm 5'2" also and started on here in April 2013 at 163lbs. In the beginning I ate anywhere from 1360-1470 and felt full. It took a while to get used to eating around that calorie range bc I just ate whatever I wanted too. After I got into a routine with portioning out food and cutting back on alcohol I lost weight quickly. I am currently around 120lbs and eating around 1470 -1600. I haven't weighed in since last month but will on Tuesday to check my progress.
    I don't really exercise, don't and wont have a gym membership and I get enough exercise in with my work. I have started running and enjoy it. Just wanted something a little different and hope to fully run a 5k next year.
    I would suggest upping your calories a little bit, you will see a difference in your progress for sure. Keep up the good work!
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    1 pound a week is a reasonable goal. 2 lbs a week is aggressive for the weight you have to lose. Don't make this hard on yourself, you'll lose the weight with reasonable goals.
    Set your goal for 1 lb/week loss or, to get started and give yourself time to adjust, 0.5 lb/week loss.
    Set your activity level correctly. If you are active at your job, consider "lightly active" rather than "sedentary".
    Stick with the calorie goal that MFP gives you for a month and see what happens. If you're losing more than 1 lb/week, up your daily calorie limit; if you're losing less than 0.5 lb/week, you'll have to lower your daily calorie limit by a little bit.
    MFP limits are estimates and we're all different and have to adjust the numbers to fit our lives & our bodies.

    Keep at it. You can do this.
  • consideritdonemi
    consideritdonemi Posts: 88 Member
    Definitely possible to lose 1 lb. A week. I'm 5' 2 " and almost 40 y/o and lost 10lbs in 8 weeks and can't say I was type A about everything. Started at 143 lbs. I did add some regular exercise into the mix (nothing crazy, just cardio) and often went over my 1200 calories. I did, however, make some conscious dietary changes along the way. Consistently and honestly logging of calories helps a lot.
  • Kiyy
    Kiyy Posts: 91 Member
    I am 5'2, 41 years old. I am active with all my jobs but don't really exercise. I feel like when I only eat 1200 calories a day I am STARVING. :neutral_face:
    Not trying to do any crazy fad "diet", just woild like to lose a pound or two a week. I currently weigh 152. I would be happier in the 130's :smile:
    Suggestions? Thoughts?

    I use to agree but I have figured something out. For me I changed what I eat. If I stick to meat and veggies I can stay around 1200.
    I realized that when I add bread, sauces and fats to my food I get in trouble. I actually eat really good food and it tastes great. You will may nee to re-learn how to cook.
    For me staying away from processed foods is the key. Natural foods don't trigger my hunger and I am loosing but never Hungary anymore. I have a few filling tricks like eating fresh broccoli and making foods like veggie and chicken stew with broccoli or eggs with broccoli. Recently I've added 97% fat popcorn to my foods. I spray with coconut oil pam and add smoked paprika garlic seasoning. I can eat out with friends and stick to meat and veggies. Try changing the foods your eating and you can do it.
  • SomeNights246
    SomeNights246 Posts: 807 Member
    I am 5'2, 41 years old. I am active with all my jobs but don't really exercise. I feel like when I only eat 1200 calories a day I am STARVING. :neutral_face:
    Not trying to do any crazy fad "diet", just woild like to lose a pound or two a week. I currently weigh 152. I would be happier in the 130's :smile:
    Suggestions? Thoughts?

    You don't have much to lose. That's likely why you feel like you're starving. At 152 lbs, with a goal in the 130's, I would recommend that instead of trying to rush weight loss and lose 1-2 lbs a week... that you take it slow and try for maybe a half a lb a week. Adjust your goals in MFP accordingly, and you'll be given a higher calorie goal. Which will probably leave you feeling less hungry throughout the day. Most people feel like they are starving on 1200. I honestly do not understand why some people still recommend that number. I guess it's one of those things that is repeated enough, without realizing that it isn't a one size fits all. And certainly I would guess that it does not fit most, even.